The #1 Reason Women Lose Interest After Falling For You

You see her for the first time...she's gorgeous isn't she? She turns heads...Absolutely beautiful. You talk to her, get her attention. She's interested in you.

The #1 Reason Women Lose Interest After Falling For You

You think that she is out of your league...So what do you decide to do? You decide to make her your princess. Make her the centre of your world. That way you'll make sure she stays? Right? What could go wrong? Girls say they want to be treated like that, No?


You go out on a date, she makes an excuse. To not see you again. Even worse, before the date.

You wonder...why? You treated girls like shit before and they stayed. You treated a girl with care, they left.

Doesn't make sense, you feel like you have just won the lottery, and lost it a week later. Disappointment, anger, regret. A cocktail of emotions.

Why did she leave? The answer is clear. You put her in the spot. She was the centre of your attention, and the worst thing is you made damn sure she noticed this.

While single, girls always say they want to be treated sooooo nicely. They want to be the centre of attention.


Remember this one rule:

"Girls want, what they cannot have"

When you get their attention. Do not make her your world. Not even when you get married (if you do that is). That is the key to a lasting relationship, or she gets sick of you and believe me, after a while you will get sick of her.

Why is this?

Always show a girl the required attention. Not less but not more. You show her too little, she thinks you're not interested. This is recoverable, though unlikely. You show her more then needed, you come across as desperate.

This is not recoverable.

The #1 Reason Women Lose Interest After Falling For You

Girls want what they cannot have. Which means they want guys who are wanted by other girls. But they are the special girl that has wooed him. Girls treat it as a competition on an unconscious level. When you direct all your attention to her. She is the only girl you see. And it's not a competition any more. It's just her. She doesn't feel like she has won something. She might have thought you were perfect one day ago, dreaming about you two on a honeymoon in the Maldives. Today she won't even want to spend 5 minutes with you.

Yep. She was turned off faster than superman reversed time. Completely common. Yet so confusing?

The #1 Reason Women Lose Interest After Falling For You

How do you avoid this?

Its simple.

You give them what they deserve. If you have just met them, it's your first date. Doesn't matter how perfect they are, you should not show them too much attention or love. It shows you have no self respect. It shows she is the only girl you could have. It turns them off. Seriously. You barely know them, and you talk about love and long term plans? Gifts? Spoiling them?

Don't get me wrong. Don't be a jerk who doesn't show attention. Just show what they deserve.

Prove what you are worth.

Then when the relationship develops you should treat them with more attention. But again not more then what they are worth.

Don't make her your only attention. Do something. Have a passion, everybody has a passion. Show her you aren't afraid to say you're busy and want to do at another time. Don't just say you want to see her ASAP.

Say you are busy. BE Busy. But don't be a dick. That's crucial. There's a fine line between the two.

I think, this is the difference between nice guys and guys who are successful. Nice guys make the girls their attention spot, successful guys see success as more then just a girl by their side.

I learnt this the hard way. Didn't take me long to learn. But it happened after I dated a girl who I truly loved. Emotions got in the way and I showed her too much attention. She took me for granted.

Learnt my mistake.

Thank you for reading.

The #1 Reason Women Lose Interest After Falling For You
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