If a guy wants to hang out with you, is it a sign he is interested in you?

What do you think?

I have a crush on my coworker and a number of things make me think he likes me back. We were texting and casually talking about hanging out and I joked that I was sad because we hadn't hung out yet, he responded by saying he would like to hang out soon when he got back from vacation.

I think he is shy when it comes to girls and dating so I kind of had to initiate the idea of hanging out outside of work.

So in general, do you think guys are interested if they want to hang out with a girl? do you think this guy is into me? We text fairly often and he seems to give me more attention than other girls at work. He's always conscious of my feelings, making sure I'm alright, helpful,. asks me to go on break with him (at whatever time is convenient to me), called me the other night to talk about stuff.that happened at work. He also always teases me about other guys, jokingly saying other guys.want to date me if he sees me talking to them.
If a guy wants to hang out with you, is it a sign he is interested in you?
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