Would you date/marry a cigarette smoker?

Just interested in the perspective of people regarding a significant other who smokes (particularly if you are not a smoker).

So under the presumption that they have no intention on quitting soon, and smoke a moderate amount (perhaps a few a day but are not chain smokers)...

Would you consider a partner who is a smoker?
I am NOT a smoker and would date/marry a smoker
I am NOT a smoker and would NOT date/marry a smoker
I am a smoker and would date/marry a smoker
I am a smoker and would NOT date/marry a smoker
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
Lets be clear. I'm not a smoker at all (well I do indulge in pot once in rare while). I just was asking the question.

+1 y
for me I wouldn't want to date a smoker, but I also would have a tough time not dating someone one if I felt a really deep connection to them. I would hope they didn't smoke around people who didn't like it and obviously not do things to myself or any potential children at risk. I also hope that they'd consider quiting or at least significantly cutting back. but if they were going to smoke privately here and there I don't think I could just turn away a great relationship because of a bad habit.
+1 y
...essentially if they were conscious of the fact that they shouldn't endanger other people's health I think I'd like to think that I would be open to a relationship with a smoker

Appreciate all the answers and perspectives. I wouldn't say there are wrong perspective aside from the violent and demeaning. As every person on this earth is worthy of love and respect regardless of how they treat their body
Would you date/marry a cigarette smoker?
Post Opinion