Have I destroyed my boyfriend ego?

Ok so I have been going out with this amazing funny guy named Daniel for a little more than a week now. We've both liked each other for ages. He's my first boyfriend and Im his first girlfriend, He's shy about hugging and holding hands but his friends always find away to get us to do that kind of stuff.

recently his friends have been saying he want to kiss me bad! and when we went to play out with him and 4 other friends (2 of his and 1 of mine) we went in to town and we held hands in public. We went to the shops and he bought some sweets and offered me some. I declined because I didn't want to seem like a pig lol. When he had to go he hugged me good bye but his friends started to chant "kiss kiss kiss!!!" he was really nervous and so was I, he friends dragged him to the side and talked to him, then he came back after a bit more teasing and shoving he walked up to me and gave me a kiss.. I was nervous like REALLY nervous and under pressure I turned my head and he kissed my nose... when I turned my head back he seemed to be really embarrassed that I rejected him..

im ready for him to kiss me but now im afraid things will be weird between us, his friends keep saying "why did you reject him?" or tap there nose when they look at me. Do I have to kiss him first now? what do I do? please help thanks
I distroyed his ego
I didn't distroy his ego, i just embarresed him
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Have I destroyed my boyfriend ego?
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