You Can Learn To Trust Again

You Can Learn To Trust Again

When a partner cheats on you, or a friend stabs you in the back, or a sibling betrays your confidence, it can be devastating. These are people you have entrusted with your heart, or your secrets, or with your friendship and they have ultimately let you down in a way that often leaves you feeling somehow broken.

You can sometimes begin to wonder, how it's even possible to trust anyone else again in the same way you trusted this person. You wonder how you could have seemingly been so stupid and so trusting and let your guard down. You sometimes take this experience, and use it to blame the world for one persons actions leading you down a long and winding spiral that if not checked, can end in bitterness, loneliness, and total paranoia for fear of connecting ever again with another human being in the same way. How, then, after all that's happened, can you ever possibly trust anyone ever again?

Well, there is but one way you can ever possibly hope to trust anyone ever again, and that's to follow the immortal words of Shia Lebeouf and Nike alike, and just do it! You cannot hold someone new in your life who has done you no harm, no foul, responsible for the sins of others by constantly seeking to punish them for something that happened in your past. The only one you will end up continuing to hurt is yourself in driving everyone else away.

You Can Learn To Trust Again

Of course its not easy; you're not stupid. To trust again NOW, should for you mean to take it one day at a time with someone new in your life or with forgiving someone from your past. It's recognizing that today is day 1, 2, 3, etc., and you are trusting that person today and letting their actions speak louder than their words. Let someone show you who they are. It's going to be difficult at first, but over time, a trustworthy person can help you feel what you first felt before whomever betrayed you in your life. You may have some setbacks stemming from your own past issues, but it and you, are going to be a work in progress.

In the meantime, don't engage in the endless banter of negative self-talk whereby you blame yourself for the actions of someone else. They created the mess they created and unfortunately you were caught in their wake. When you blame yourself for something you didn't do, it takes the responsibility of their actions, and erroneously places it on your shoulders as if you have something to apologize for, which I'm sure is far from what you feel. Instead, work on your self-esteem if it's low, and take the big leap into the unknown and allow yourself to trust again, because you will quite literally never be able to trust again if you don't once again, put yourself out there, and just do it.

You Can Learn To Trust Again
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