My dad being against me sleeping naked?

Today, I heard my dad say one of the most dumbass things I have heard. I am 16 years old (turning 17 next January). He said that he noticed me sleeping naked every day and asked me why I do that even when it's not hot. I didn't really give much of a response. I think I told him at one point that I just like it.

He then goes on about sternly asking, "What the hell are you into these days? Where the fuck is your mind?" (he didn't actually use those words but that's sort of the tone he was using)

"This is what losers do. You should be focusing on your studies and making friends and not stupid things like these, and be a good kid and start listening to us, unless you want to end up like a low-life."

I told him that there's nothing wrong with this and I have been doing it for a long time anyway.

I think he's becoming more suspicious because I tried to watch Sex Drive yesterday. Now a few days ago, I sneaked watching The 40 Year Old Virgin while my dad was gone and my mom was pissed so she wouldn't let me on to play League of Legends. Well yesterday, my dad decided to ask the roadblock question, "What are you watching?" and when I refused to tell them, they said they wouldn't let me watch it unless I tell them. They said they don't have a problem with me watching R rated movies (I just told them it was R rated) as long as it doesn't have anything inappropriate. My dad was like, "You're 16, but really you're 12/13," and I am pretty sure he's just saying that because he doesn't know that I have secretly lost every ounce of my sexual innocence already and have been consuming erotic material for over a year (but then again, why would I let him know).

As a side note, I have wanted a girlfriend for a long time, not JUST for sex. I am actually interested in a fullbown solid romantic relationship and have been desperate for one for the last few months and I think they are picking up on it since they have noticed other "changes" in me.
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And if I was to have sex, I would use alternative methods (such as oral) so as to negate the risk of pregnancy, if I could actually get a girlfriend. Just saying, before you start bombarding me about all the risks and stuff.
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I also AM relatively a good kid in that I am not out dong illegal stuff and being mischevious and doing drugs like some other teenagers, but I AM growing up and my parents are failing to come to terms with this.
My dad being against me sleeping naked?
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