4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!


1. If it fits your ass, it won't fit the rest

4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!

It is just a nightmare to find a well fitting cloth. Because if it fits to your ass, it will be loose for the rest of your body.

2. Pulling your skirt or dress

4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!

We all love mini skirts and dresses. But if you have a big ass, you won't be comfortable with it. Because it will go up and you will have to pull it.

3. The skirt doesn't look the way it is seen on the window

4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!

You know what I mean?

4. Your jeans wear off after a few times

4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!

Your jeans will wear by a short time because of your ass. So you will have to have many jeans. And that means spending lots of money.

4 Struggles That Only People With Big Butts Will Understand!
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