Types of Crushers


Types of  Crushers

This is a myTake for those who love someone but for whatever reason aren't with them. The people described here are guys although they may be applied to a girl. These are based off observations and are not all types.

1. The Hot Guy

This is the guy who is probably liked by most girls but none to his knowledge are the one he wants. He's the guy that is most likely to be successful in "getting the girl."

2. The Creep

This guy goes about getting a girl in all the wrong ways. He comes off as a pervert and is often denied what he wants sexually. Therefore he pushes to get the girl in a sexual predator sort of way.

3. The Silent Type

This is the guy who stands on the sidelines. He's not one to step up and ask her out. He's probably shy and socially awkward. He doesn't want to offend her and plays it safe by not talking to her.

4. The Stalker

This may tie into the Creep or Silent Guy. He spends a lot of time on the Internet and makes her business his business. Eavesdropper, hacker, etc.

5. The Friend

He knows the girl, likes her, but faces what many people do-the friendzone. Whether he's shared his feelings or not, it's tough to make it out. He has had a good relationship thus far (hopefully ) but it's just as a friend.

6. ?

If you have read this far and see something I missed below opinions are for this person. In other words, is there anyone else?

Types of Crushers
10 Opinion