Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

Fun fair foods: Top Ten carnival delicacies 🎢🎡

Here in the Americas and Europe it's almost time for Summer! That means time for picnics, beach trips, vacations and more importantly the carnival or fair. It's always fun to hop on the rides and spin around until you are so sick you can't continue. It's even more fun to consume the yummy treats from the fair such as: cotton candy,deep fried Oreos, funnel cakes, and corn dogs. Oh all the artery clogging joys of the fair! But here are some of the greatest treats from the fair.

10. Corn Dogs
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

These little hot dogs on a stick wrapped in a honey batter coating and fried are pure delight! Serve with ketchup,mustard,or BBQ sauce and you have a winner!

9.Cotton Candy
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

Nothing says sweet and flufffy like powdered flavored sugar fluffed up into cotton and served as diabetes on a stick. But still it is oh so fun to eat and get sticky!!

8. Popcorn
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

This classic treat is always good at the movies and the fair. Even with extra butter.

7. Fried Pickles
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

This dish may be weird to some people, but is extremely yummy with ranch dressing. Definitely something I would try at least once.

6.Salt and Vinegar French Fries

This is a classic boardwalk treat. A American classic with a tangy flavor.

5. Deep Fried Twinkies
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

The classic American sponge cake and creme filled treat with a twist as only the Americans can do it. Deep fried with chocolate sauce and delicious.

4. Chocolate Covered Bananas
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

These banana treats are frozen,dipped in chocolate,and then coated in nuts, candy,or sprinkles. Making a yummy yet semi healthy treat.

3. Candy Apples
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

Just for you @apple24 . These are the best fair food ever made. Candy apples and caramel apples. They can be decorated in many different ways.

2. Deep-Fried Oreos
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

A classic fair food of all time. Deep fried chocolate cookies with creme in the middle, who ever knew they could be such a good treat?

1. Funnel Cakes
Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡

These fried cakes of dough and powder sugar are the quintessential state fair food. They can be rtopped with fruit, chocolate,whipped cream,sprinkles,and yes even ice cream. Yet they are oh so yummy!

Do you have a favorite fair or carnival food that I didn't mention? You can leave it in the comments below. These are just some I wanted to share. Have a wonderful summer and enjoy the fair when it comes to your town!

Fun Fair Foods: 10 Delectable Carnival Delicacies 🎢🎡
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