What I Say vs What I Mean (When Talking to my Boyfriend)


What I say VS what I mean (when talking to my bf).

I'm fine (when I am otherwise acting normally) = I'm fine, seriously.

I'm fine (when acting bizzare and/or there is clearly something up) = I am not fine but I just don't want to tell you that because then I would have to say what's up and I am either too embarrassed, worried you will think I'm needy, clingy or crazy or that you will get mad if I bring it up.

I just find it weird how ... = I think you're lying, tell me the truth.

I'm bored = Ask me to Skype.

I'm cold = Hug me.

I hate you (when said whilst joking about) = I love you.

Oh, which mate is that? = Is it a girl? Do you like her more than me?

How come you never ... = You should ...

Shut up! (when he is trying to make me blush) = Under no means shut up. Carry on. I like it. I just don't know how else to react because I'm awkward.

It's okay (when it's something that doesn't bother me much or at all) = Seriously, it's fine. No worries :)

It's okay (when it's something that does bother me) = I will forgive you so long as you're sorry and don't do this again. However, before I actually forgive you I am going to make a point about why you shouldn't have done this and how it makes me feel.

I'd hug you if I was there = I seriously would. Also, I am trying to flirt with you so please say something flirty back.

What are you eating? = Can I have some?

Are you going to finish playing that game soon? = I want to know when I can hug you without messing up your game in case you get mad at me.

When is the next time you want to meet up? = I either miss you, really want a hug or kiss from you, or just want to spend some time with you in person.

I love you = I love you.

I'm back = Give me attention.

What I Say vs What I Mean (When Talking to my Boyfriend)
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