Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎


Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get.💎
Oh, women. The mystery even the most talented, intelligent and suave of men could never completely solve.

Yep, this one's for you boys. In this take, I'm going to talk JUST about the woman who appears #HardToGet. We all know her, we’ve all seen her, some of us have tried to understand her, yes? Okay. So what is it about this girl that’s so f*cking frustrating, and yet so alluring?

There are seriously only 2 options. Yep, just 2.

1. THE MIND GAME: Playing Hard To Get.

Some [SOME] women enjoy playing a number of mind games to lure men in, wrap them around their pinky finger and keep them at their disposal whenever required.

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎

Why? It's quite simple and I'm sure you know. It's a facade she utilizes to feel desirable.

[A moment for any men who have fallen victim to this girl. The ones who got played, used, manipulated and tampered with. On her behalf, I am truly sorry. I mean it.]

To put it into perspective, these women are the female version of your stereotypical male ‘player’. They’re all about mind games, tricks. Personally, I don’t like it, nor do I engage in them [whether or not you believe that is up to you], but as I’ve mentioned, you have women who really use this to their advantage, because, despicable as it is… it works.

Some men like to chase. They enjoy the vibe given off by that mysterious girl who makes him work a little bit.

So the real question is:

How can I tell whether or not she’s being real with me?

Here are a few signs of a girl who PLAYS hard to get.

- She is high maintenance.

- She’s dependent.

- She’s easily jealous.

- Tends to be manipulative.

- Quite spoiled growing up.

- Very self entitled/proud/narcissistic.

- Gives you little to no attention.

- She’s confident. Too confident.

- She demands your attention and affection a lot, and doesn’t give much in return.

There are NO ifs, buts or maybes about this guys. It's not 'oh she kinda looks high maintenence', or 'oh well maybe she's just too busy to get to my 11 missed calls'. No. Don't overthink it. With this girl, take her behaviour for what it is. Why? Because it deserves #noexcuses

So looking at these traits, the likely series of events goes as follows:

She uses her sex appeal, manipulating her personality to suit the game ➡️ she draws you in ➡️ takes advantage of you ➡️ her confidence is satisfied, your heart is broken.

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎

What the flaming hell did you get out of that? Use your head boy. -.-

That’s it! That’s honestly it lol. It’s funny because it seems so simple yet many men fall for it, because let’s face it, she’s so sexy right?

Point blank.

But if you ain't gettin' anything out of it, why you still in it?

Unfortunately, men who encounter this kind of woman will realize it’s a game and it’ll be too late when he does. If he lets it bring him down, he’ll become resentful and approach all women with the mindset that "if she’s just a little too difficult to handle, she’s playing hard to get. I will never bother with that kind of woman".


What if I told you some women are ACTUALLY hard to get though?

2. THE REAL DEAL: She IS hard to get.

NOW boys, If you’re going to be a close minded prick about this, PLEASE EXIT the premises. You can’t possibly seek advice about the opposite gender, then refuse it from someone who IS and KNOWS that gender better than you ever could. Gracias boo. ✋🏽 -.-

This is where the confusion happens, and this is where A LOT of men become skeptics. This girl is often mistaken for the first type, because arguably, playing hard to get is more common than actually being this kind of girl. Even as a woman, it’s SO hard sometimes to tell exactly which one a fellow sister is.Rather than playing mind games, being hard to get is actually this girl’s personality type.

You must understand this.

This girl is the exact opposite of the aforementioned girl, and yet the irony is that they appear to be the same kind of person.

A man who is actually smart enough to recognize and even pursue this kind of girl will be in for a treat, but yes she is a handful since she is obviously hard to get.

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎

A few signs of the girl who IS hard to get:

- She is NOT high maintenance/flexible

- She’s INdependent

- She's had a tough past.

- She’s not easily jealous, but just the right amount.

- Tends to be a good listener.

- She’s an over thinker, and can be indecisive.

- She’s humble, maybe a bit awkward.

- She gives you her undivided attention [once you’ve got her interested of course].

- She’s confident- the sexy kind.

- She likes occasional attention, and returns it to you.

- She’s a sweetheart with a bit of sass.

- She’s opinionated, and unafraid to say ‘no’.

- Her values are so grounded, which can create conflict if views differ.

- OR, she is genuinely uninterested in you, and isn't vague about it.

Thus, with all this in mind, the likely series of events goes as follows:

She is effortlessly herself, without throwing herself at you ➡️ her mysteriousness draws you in ➡️ she [hopefully] lets you in ➡️ she discovers an intelligent man, you discover a wonderful woman.

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎

Win Win.

This girl is so frustrated with the dating scene by the way, and being one of them, I can relate. She has a lot to offer, but she is so so misunderstood.

It’s even more frustrating for a man looking for a girl who is real with him. That she’s not playing a game. That she’s looking for authenticity.

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎


1. BE SMART: Don't blend the two sets of behaviors. I can't stress enough that these are 2 completely different kinds of women.

2. BE OBSERVANT: Think critically. Don't get so lost in your desire that it completely misguides you. Watch for what she does or doesn't say and do.

3. BE PATIENT: Don't come to conclusions so quickly. As I said, even we women can get it wrong. Give her time, give her a few chances. Figure out what's really going on.

4. BE POSITIVE: Never let the way one woman treats you define the way you perceive them all. We all have bad experiences, and we all have moments when we wanna give up. If you plan on getting anywhere in life, you need to get your ass back up when you get knocked down.

5. BE AUTHENTIC: Never change yourself for anyone. I always say this. We can all improve, we can all compromise, we can all sacrifice, sure. However, to abandon the essence of who you are is essentially prioritizing another's opinion of you over your own self worth. Don't do it.

~ j.B 🍌

Maybe She Isn’t PLAYING Hard To Get. Maybe She IS Hard To Get! 💎
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