What It's Like to Feel Truly Alone

This post isn't going to be an informational one like the majority of my others. This post will be one to get some things off of my chest, nothing else. I just wanted to describe how I'm feeling at the moment, and I was told sharing with others can often help, so I figured I would try it.

I'm always surrounded by people. I go to school and squeeze through crowded hallways, I have a group of people to hang out with, I have a multitude of online friends, and I even have a pretty full house, but I still feel so alone most of the time. I wasn't raised in an overly sharing household, and I grew up not able to express emotions face to face. I can't communicate my emotions without choking up or crying, whether the emotion be sad, angry, happy, etc. I have to write down how I feel, but a lot of the time I erase it all before anyone sees.

I bottle up my emotions until one day I crack. I cry for awhile, I pick fights, and I find various other ways to release all of the built up tension. At the end of the day, I wipe my face and put on the mask I always wear. People think of me as a genuinely sweet and happy person when they meet me. I don't show the sadness and the rage bubbling just under the surface. I simply can't, other wise I'll break down and I won't be able to face anyone again. I was taught to remain strong, even when I'm being ripped apart on the inside. I stick to that idea like a religion, and I try so hard to hide my emotions in the real world.

This makes me feel so alone. I feel as if there's no one I can reach out to; no one to help me. Even my boyfriend can't make me feel much better, and he's often the one that makes me break down on that final day. I'm overly sensitive, especially when it comes to love, so I'm in constant fear of losing him. I view our relationship as a beautiful crystal trinket. Everyone around me is eyeing it with envy, ready to steal it away, and even if they don't I still need to be fragile with it or it will shatter and I'll be left alone once again

I want to reach out. I want to cry for help. I want to be held and have someone tell me that they love me and value me, especially when I constantly feel like second best. I've given up on most online friendships because I'm treated as a final resort, and that makes me feel horrible. It just becomes another emotion to pack away, and I've pretty much given up. I begin pushing people away so that I can keep some remnant of my heart in tact once they vanish from my life like the rest. Trusting just hurts too much. I let the voices of low confidence take over after awhile.

You're not good enough.

No one wants you.

You aren't worth the trouble.

Forget it, those people will never accept you.

You'll be alone forever.

No one cares.

I need someone to care, but I can't seem to find anyone who will try to keep me around. I just say goodnight four hours earlier than normal and hope that someone asks me to stay. No one ever does, and I'm left alone with my thoughts once again...

What It's Like to Feel Truly Alone

What It's Like to Feel Truly Alone
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