Physically, woman ; Mentally, wo! man.

My take on why women's own mentality is the real challenge for their empowerment.

[Disclaimer: Well actually, there's no disclaimer. The content is going to hurt so-called orthodox people. Carry on reading]

A week ago, I experienced a peculiar spark in my mind about giving my contribution towards a revolution #WomenEmpowerment. So, I started doing some research and gathering some pluses and minuses of the topic. Yes that was the same boring S#!T containing some new things too which you could not imagined or better say never read/experienced, most probably. To imbue sense, I asked a question regarding under which topic it would suit best, I never expected the outcome of that question, #WomenEmpowerment is a lie!

I consulted with so many girls around me on and offline, they were like "Women empowerment? It's nothing, just an article that we randomly encounter." "We are nothing. We were cows, we are cows, we will remain cows for the society." That was enough to quench the spark. I was like "Holy-cow!"

A girl can swirl the world, oneself included.

Thanks to an article I read on newspaper, I found out the bug. In this world there's nothing which is nothing, otherwise we can't even imagine about it. Maybe, we can't see it outside because certainly, it is inside. So, in order to empower women, we need to empower woman. Means ourselves. What do we get it from a girl calling oneself a cow? What is a cow? A shy creature that nourishes its calves and an animal which can't take on this world aggressively or the things which require bellicose actions. Means the whole concept revolves around the issue of work-life balance, and the assertion that no woman can have a successful career as well as manage family responsibilities well. Thus, for all the talk of women’s empowerment, we as a society have evolved to a point where women can't have it all.

I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence would save us, but it won't.
-Audre Lorde

Why women 'can't have it all'? What is stopping them? It's nothing but the trammels created by their own mentality. The phrase ‘can’t have it all’ is a derivative of ‘I am going to fail somewhere’ or even ‘something will prevent me from being fully happy’. The first phrase is right. The second is incorrect. Yes, you will fail at something. No, failing at something doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. Sometimes, they try to take some initiatives but they face criticism. Eventually, they end up criticising the society. Actually, their way to denounce the modus operandi of the man and his institutions are lacking significance. So basically, they failed to find the middle-ground of being diablo and empyrean. The lows are very low for them and highs are over-high.

  • False failure

Physically, woman ; Mentally, wo! man.

The fear of failing is endemic in humans. In women, from what I have seen, the feeling is compounded multiple times with the constant belief that ‘I am just not good enough’. In pursuit of being seraphic they end-up leaving themselves in hysterical situation. But women need to realise "what is a failure?". A popular or praised colleague instead of you, thinner friend, committed bestfriend, a known person having extortionate dress, a neighbour who's better cook, the perfect body that gym-girl has etc. - all set off loud inner alarms in women that scream, ‘Look, you suck. Hence proved.’ This feeling, in turn, leads women to have what I term the “A+ complex”. This means, in order to prove to themselves that they are not terrible, they must get an A+ in every department of life.

Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.
-Amelia Earhart

I don’t know if it is cultural, or if women come biologically wired like this, but women feel inadequate. They just can't handle A. Nothing can satisfy them. Nobody is perfect, even you know that but why don't you understand that these are not failures at all. While A+ could be achieved but you should not target A+ in every field. Aim for a B+ instead, B being satisfactory and A being excellent. Getting A won't turn you into a cow. We guys failed over and over again, getting D simultaneously and that's why we are succeeding everywhere. Do you think a person who thinks like that ever have it all? -NO!

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.
-Marilyn Monroe

They can’t, Which is why women cannot have it all. The only thing they have lots of, as a result of this, is guilt. Women are guilty of not being a hundred percent, especially working women, feel so guilty that if for some reason they don’t feel guilty for a day, they feel guilty about not feeling guilty. Get it? No? Neither do they. Do it a right way. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just be normal, admit you won’t be excellent at everything every day and smile through life. Someday, you WILL become an A+ lady. You need to accept the truth, accept the views of other people, don't blindfold yourself. You can! In order to do it, you need to realise what your aims are, what your ambitions are, the threshold and the reality. Just don't give a S#!T to the system and keep your cool on your way to progress.

Know what? Bitches get stuff done.
-Tina Fey

I noticed that girls are not ready to accept the reality. Let me show you: I don't receive down-votes, but when I do, I make use of them

Physically, woman ; Mentally, wo! man.

They simply just don't want to get out of that hysteria. They are struck in some delusions misconstruing the real situations of the world. But not all girls are same. They want to bring the change, revolutionising the world. But the aspects of their initiatives are not ingenious.

No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you came from, you can always become a better version of yourself

  • False motive

Physically, woman ; Mentally, wo! man.

Women Empowerment could be achieved through equality, we all know that. How could we make females = males? The first word comes to mind is 'feminism'. What is this? The cult/actions of girls (now some boys included) in pursuit of equality for sexes which ended up being anti-male agenda. I am not here to describe deeply that why feminism is failure because this is off topic for this article but I mentioned it to roughly describe that it was girls' mentality behind its failure. Feminism is largely 'led' by radical feminists who spew their vile hatred of men. And part of the reason they get so much attention and are not degraded by other self-proclaimed feminists is because for the most part feminists agree with them, to some degree, they just won't admit.

Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
-Pat Robertson

Well I don't agree with Mr. Robertson but why? Why do he hates it so much? If feminism was meant to be equality then why didn't it raised voice for men? Men do face so much discrimination in the society. When men constantly lose custody of their child in court and. are forced to pay child support and are treated as walking wallets. In crisis, rescue team saves women and children first instead of men. When men reaches a big job, he was criticised for being corrupt. Do you know their qualification? Men receive 63% more stiffer sentences than women and are subjected to police brutality more often and are more likely to die while in custody. Men die way more than women during wars. I never hear a word from feminists.

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
-Marilyn Monroe

Actually my point is that equality for men and women should mean to provide the privileges which men possess. Not just taking away benefits men have. If you want equality then you should follow the path of Egalitarianism (An egalitarian favors equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.). The word feminism itself is misleading, so you should expect the backlash of men. The mottoes of feminism are very dull. Check it out: TIME Magazine ; Wall Street Journal ; Forbes ; CNN ; CBS . Every single thing is myth, fraud propaganda, a skulduggery! Girls please concentrate on REAL ISSUES.

I do not believe in using women in combat, because females are too fierce.
-Margaret Mead

They want their rights by changing the literary aspects of the society like changing the female to femme because it has male & women to womyn because on men. What would they get out of it?

As for 'male' and 'female', 'female' was later remodeled around the word 'male', so again this isn't entirely (or even mostly) wrong, but it prior to this there wasn't a shared etymological root; 'male' came from the old French 'malle', which itself came from a diminutive of the Latin 'Masculus'; whereas 'female' came from the Old French 'Femele', which came from the diminutive of the Latin 'Femina'.

Interestingly, the word ‘men’, meaning “to think” or “to have a cognitive mind”, was also gender neutral and connected to “man”, which meant “the thinker”. So we can see from that how “man” originally referred to all humans.

This thing is good to an extent like say 'sportsmen'. It sounds weird when a lady says that she's a sportsmen. So it's now rectified into 'sportsperson' which is good for the society.

That's why feminism fails because they are just trying to degrade the literal and logical aspects blindly. Calling oneself female and women doesn't sound poor and by changing these terms, they can't ameliorate the status of women.

Women are women, and hurray for that.
-John Galliano

So girls, you can't expect equality if you want to become humyn beings because we men are human beings and it's very obvious thing that humyn =/= human.

The whole concept of Women empowerment is divided into three parts.

  1. Personal empowerment of women

  2. Domestic empowerment of women

  3. Social empowerment of women

TL;DR On this take I worked on first one. This is getting so longer and longer and I'm not even that proficient at writing articles, but I hope that I managed to send you a message that you need to empower your mentality in order to change the whole society. Clear the level 1 in order to reach the third one. You are equal to us (men). Nature never discriminated between sexes (as I mentioned on my earlier take on the concept of hymen). You have everything what got it takes to climb the mountain of success. Look around the world, there are millions (successful women) out there because are intellectual and never gave up. All you need is to have satisfaction on what you achieve and you need to realise that are your goals really beneficial for you. Take a step, bring the change. If you help us, we would try to help you better. YOU HAVE THE POWER.

Margaret Atwood, the Canadian novelist, once asked the group of women at a university why they felt threatened by men. The women said they were afraid of being beaten, raped, or killed by men. She then asked a group of men why they felt threatened by women. They said they were afraid women would laugh at them.
-Molly Ivins

Thank you so much for reading. I know some of you might like this and many of you pissed off so badly. I am interested in your feedback. If you liked it then thank you very much, you are free to do constructive criticism.

Note: I would like to hear "I disagree with you because we..." instead of ""I disagree with you because I...". Speak on behalf of women not yourself.

Game on folks, believe!

Physically, woman ; Mentally, wo! man.
Post Opinion