I'm a nice guy and every girl thinks I creep them out. How the hell am I going to solve this?

I could say that I'm a legitimate, genuine nice guy who doesn't pretend to be nice at certain occasions just to get into girl's pants. I open doors for girls, just as I open doors for guys. Not a problem. I don't expect nooky in exchange for holding a door open. In that case, you could call me a 'gentleman'. I mean, I wanted to go on dates just to hang out with the people I know, not for some sexual fantasy. I mean, I don't have any ulterior motives other than just to hang out. I ask some female friends out, they say 'No'. No big deal. I just move on. But then when I strike a conversation with a random girl, the girl gets creeped out and runs away. No idea how I did that. I was just asking the girl about random things like 'How's the weather' or something not personal. I tend to ask people around me simple questions just because I was bored and wanted to strike a conversation. I mean, are people that anti-social that they don't speak or be friendly to random strangers? I don't shower the girl with gifts because it's unnecessary. I could imagine how I would feel if some girl that I hardly know gives me crap every day. It's annoying.

What's so creepy about me? I've done nothing wrong, I don't want to sleep or get laid with many women as possible. I'd like to expand my horizons, make friends. What the hell is going on? Is just being a nice guy by nature just suddenly evil? Am I in the Twilight Zone or something?

To be honest all those fake 'nice guys' are giving real, genuine nice guys a bad name here. I mean, I stand up for myself, and I often abide by the rule that it's better for me to be a 'loser' than a coward. Many of these fake nice guys are cowards who have no real backbone. I stand up for myself, and don't take sh*t from anyone.
I'm a nice guy and every girl thinks I creep them out. How the hell am I going to solve this?
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