Is it normal to fantasize about a dead person?

Is it normal to fantasize about a dead person being alive?

Not anyone you know, but a celebrity/singer you are a big fan of. Is it normal to fantasize about a dead person sexually as a way to deal with insecurities, body image problems, and self-esteem issues? Is something wrong with me?

I don't want to have sex with a dead person in no way. I just picture that person still being alive like they never died. It's like in my imagination that person never died.

I know how to deal with reality, I just kind of fantasize to get away from reality. Its kind of a way to comfort myself, while dealing with my problems.

The celeb is Michael Jackson. And I did sort of find him attractive. and when I say deal with insecurities, I mean its the thought that someone may actually want to be with me that makes me feel good. I know it sound confusing and crazy but that's how I feel.

Is this normal? or should I talk to someone about it?
Is it normal to fantasize about a dead person?
7 Opinion