Why I love this site

I've seen plenty of people ask: "Why are you on Girlsaskguys?" And for so long I haven't been able to answer that. But now, I think I might have a few answers for that.

Why I love this site

Anonymous Socializing

On the interwebs, I searched for a while for an interesting and engaging social site to get addicted to on Google, but that didn't happen until I stumbled upon this site by quite happy accident. And if you really wanted to, you could share your thoughts or ask for opinions behind a mask! Judgement would hit a brick wall! The ultimate solution!

GAG is the only website I've found where people of all ages communicate without hesitation or embarassment to the opposite gender. I can actually talk to girls without passing out from exhaustion.

GAG has really helped me in the social spectrum, online world, and just the overall dating world in general!


This reason is probably unexpected! Or not, maybe. On GAG, I am simply ADDICTED to getting notifications, speeding through questions, opinions, etc. It's sorta like Facebook, really. The notification system makes it so that you just HAVE to check your notifications, and maybe even reply to something. My OCD just won't let me leave the notification box full! GAG, hats off to you keeping me on this website via notifications!

Internet Identity

On GAG, I've already created a separate internet personality from myself: Maxemeister. Maxemeister is love, Maxemeister is life. He is his own being, and controls me, rather than vice versa. Once one has advanced their profile to a certain point, they find it hard to let go of GAG and their profile, thus we stay!

I think we all know that our internet personalities are probably a tad bit different than IRL personalities. For example, on here, I am a four-legged, 7-year-life-spanned rabbit, while IRL, I'm just some guy.

All these things are what makes mine, and hopefully your internet personality special.

All these things really mean something to me, and I wanna thank GirlsAskGuys for making these past couple months enjoyable! And I hope for many more!

Thanks for reading!

Why I love this site
Post Opinion