Why I'm Glad To Lose The Downvote

Because it's so often used against me? Ha, no.

The downvote button is honestly pointless.

Try to defend it. Either you like something or you don't think it's good enough to warrant special attention. It eliminates nothing. You all can still do your post a selfie and battle to see who gets the more upvotes. All it does it get rid of negative chatter by people either trying to tear others or being overtly rude to make themselves laugh at the expense of others (I'm guilty of the second.)

But that's not real life!

No, it's not. I don't think this site is supposed to reflect real life. In fact, it's the fact that you can't get what this site offers in the real world that gets you coming back for more. If you live in a bubble, I don't think this website should be the one to pop it. Where is it written that the internet has to be meaner than real life? I think it should be the opposite. It's so trendy to hate on social websites, but this site's mission is entirely kind spirited. If it becomes something contradictory to this, it's because something has gone wrong not right. This site is not trying to recreate high school. It's just trying to create something better--where people can be more honest and more helpful than they usually are.

But I like the drama! I like it!

No, you don't. You're addicted to it. There's a difference. You're so used to drama that in it's absesnse you think is something is wrong and seek it out in order to maintain a stable reality in which it plays a central role. You have to open your eyes to the idea that this site can be entirely positive and helpful to everyone. Now you can be a male activist, but it's much more difficult to be a male activist who cruely attacks feminists individualy. Well, you can through commentary, but it's very, very easy to read the first six words...see where this comment is going and ignore the rest. Trust me I've got many, many comments over all my writing on here and that's honestly the best thing to do when you can tell someone is trying to get rise out of you and it's what all top writers do. It's how you maintain your composure and don't fan the flames. I've seen people write their first few posts and get so flamed with down votes they quit right off. It shouldn't be like that. I'm not for anything that makes someone want to quit.

We're now a site without a downvote feature. Are we pansies?

No, what makes us pansies is the quality of the content not anger we incite among those who choose to post comments. I write a lot of x-rated content and it's never reported and no one ever has a problem with it despite the fact that 15 year olds use the site. We're also a site that from it's core premise--divides the genders on separate fenses. We don't pretend that girls and guys are exactly the same and instead present them as opposites and complements.

Hopefully the ubermod troll on here who freezes accounts of anyone she doesn't like will read this and leave--too bored by a site that doesn't allow her to spread her own self hate.

Why I'm Glad To Lose The Downvote

Why I'm Glad To Lose The Downvote

Why I'm Glad To Lose The Downvote
Post Opinion