When a guy says he wants a rain check for the date, is it just an excuse?

So there is this guy friend I have some history with and who has been dating this other girl for about six months now. I have respected their relationship and cut most all contact with him, even though he didn't understand what the need for that was. In anycase, both times we checked up on each other he said he wanted to meet up to catch up. I stalled him the first time but this time, finally agreed. I figured since it has been three months of no contact and because his relationship with the girl has been six months, catching up wasn't a bad thing. Anyways, it was his idea and plan and he sounded really excited through text, like informal tone and exclamation points. The plans were made last week... and well, two hours before we're supposed to meet up, he sends me this extremely formal text that goes: "Good afternoon. I'm going to need a rain check for today. I've still got a bunch of things that I need to move from my apartment. Can we look at next week"

He told me in an earlier text that he had that whole day off... so why would he text me so formally two hours before we meet up to make up such an unbelievable excuse? He has the whole day to move things... how would a 30minute catch up effect that? Do you think he is just making an excuse not to meet up? And if so, why did he suggest it and wait until last minute to cancel and even suggest next week?
Sounds like he is making an excuse so he doesn't have to meet up
Doesn't sound like he is making an excuse not to meet up
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When a guy says he wants a rain check for the date, is it just an excuse?
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