The Beauty of Self-Appreciation


The Beauty of Self-Appreciation

If you’ve ever heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water crystal messages and the 2004 documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know?” then you might have pieced together some valuable information about why it is so important to treat yourself right.

Dr. Emoto’s study of water crystals have had mixed reviews of those who believe in the theory that water is responsive to its environment, and those who believe that the study was a hoax and that insufficient data was achieved to get the desired results. People also may believe in quantum physics, and others might think that we simply give the right verbal and physical cues to others to get what we expect.

One thing is for sure and that is the power you have over everyone else to make sure you see yourself in the most positive light you can. This is not to dismiss your bad days or your mistakes – we all have to live a realistic life. But overall, how you talk to yourself and make yourself feel shows on the outside no matter which study is done with which medium.

Dr. Emoto might have discovered that water is not exactly a fan of heavy metal music, but is easy responsive to peace and tranquility. Many living things do react positively to a good environment. Talking to plants is a prime example. Talking to and caring for pets as opposed to neglecting them. Our water make-up is approximately 60% of our entire being. If Dr. Emoto is correct, these water crystals just within ourselves react to what we say and do and what kind of environment we put ourselves in.

If your inner voice is constantly picking at you and insulting you for silly things throughout the day, try a day where you change that inner voice to compliment you and praise you when you do something great. Take notes on the days you do this to see if your mood improves or if people notice a change in you.

If we can control the matter that we are made of, notably the water, then why are we not more often than not using our power of self-appreciation to make ourselves the beautiful person we know we can be?

The Beauty of Self-Appreciation
10 Opinion