Lack of Motivation When it Comes to Weight Loss and Exercise

Lack of Motivation When it Comes to Weight Loss and Exercise

One question that is always asked when it comes to weight loss, is how do I stay motivated to workout. If I told you the answer was think about your end goal, undoubtedly some people would scoff and say that's not enough. If I said keep the focus on your family as motivation so that you can be the healthiest for them, some would say, but I don't have a family to do that for. I could give you a million suggestions and ideas as the one tried and true method for regaining your motivation, but what is and will motivate you for each person, varies. So how do you deal with lack of motivation?

Somewhere in your weight loss journey you will come to a day where you just can't. Maybe you'll feel like there is a reason, maybe there won't be one, but you wake up and you're just like screw this, back to bed or the couch, I'm done! This will happen for everyone and some will ride out the day, do nothing, and hop back to it the next day but for others, this will become a stale mate where they will quite literally give up every single minute, hour, week, and month or months that they have been working out, eating right, and fighting the temptations to sink back into old habits. You have to realize however, that motivation is not a static thing. Even people who are healthy and have exericsed their entire lives, or world class athletes paid millions to essentially workout, find that from time to time motivation wanes, waxes, and comes close to death. You are asking yourself to leave the comfort of being lazy, of being out of shape, of easy fix junk foods, to go put on some workout gear to sweat for an hour and eat some fruits and vegetables. You are asking yourself to make better, but perhaps harder choices that quite frankly, sometimes just aren't as appealing as the alternative in your mind.

The thing is, in your worst I want to quit moments, you have to, have to, have to, keep telling yourself, I can do this and failure is not an option. I don't know anyone who in their old age, claims to have led a fulfilling and meaningful life, that was quoted as saying, it was because I spent it in bed all day or on the couch all day or eating Cheetohs all day. We sometimes think our youth and our health will just be there for us for as long as we need it, but if you're unhealthy now because of your lack of good diet and exericise, you know that's not true. Your body is meant to aid you in living your best life possible and you can't do that if you're killing it slowly but surely by not doing what it needs you to do to keep it healthy for as long as possible.

So what to do when you..just can't.

1. Exercise anyway!

Force yourself if you have to, to put on some tennis shoes and walk around for 10 minutes. Those are ten minutes that you are doing for yourself, that are doing some good for you, and that's ten minutes of work you wouldn't have otherwise done. It may seem like nothing, but the alternative is literally that you would have done nothing. Tell your doubting self that you can do 10 minutes and then do it. Oh and by all means, feel free to bitch about having to do that 10 minutes or more the whole time. Tell yourself how awful it is, how much you don't want to be here, how much you hate wearing tennis shoes, and how you just want to go back home. Yes, because you can complain all you want, as long as you're actually doing something about it!

2. Focus on the minutes in front of you.

If you start thinking about how long its going to take you to accomplish your end goal, it can be frustrating because we are a culture of right now. Having to wait and work on yourself and your goals for a long period of time can be daunting, but focus on today, and the minutes before you much the way a recovering alcoholic is taught to do. What can you do now to keep going, to keep moving, to stay on track. Go find some inspirational pictures, go write out your angst in a journal, talk to a good friend who is supportive of you and your goals, commit to today and worry about tomorrow when it actually comes.

3. Write a letter to yourself

Write this letter long before the day your motivation will inevitably fail. Write out all the reasons you're going on your weight loss journey. Talk about the health reasons, the emotional and physical reasons, if God or religion is part of it for you, express why, give yourself the biggest motivational pep talk ever and remind yourself that again, you can do this. And when that day comes when you break, and you will, open the letter and know that even YOU never wanted YOU to give up!

4. Reward, reward, reward

Remember in school when your teacher would put up that chart on the board, and for every A or something you got, you'd get a little sticker. Yeah, that little kid that still likes and wants to be rewarded for their hard work, still exists in the adult version of you. One idea I heard of, and I thought was awesome and I did was to give my friends a bit of money each and instructed them to buy a weight loss reward gift for my weight loss goals. Mine was for every ten pounds lost. My friends bought the gifts, wrapped them up however they wanted, and wrote a message, or their congrats, or inspirational quotes and pictures. Those things gave me something to look forward to. I also enjoyed posting the pictures of me opening them and sharing my surprise, joy, and sometimes tears with the person or persons who'd given me their gifts and messages of love and support. Make up your own rewards and use them to keep you on track and wanting to do more today then you did yesterday. Make them things you obviously would really like to get or to do.

5. Write down every single accomplishment towards your weight loss goals

When you don't see the numbers you want on the scale, or when you snuck ate a whole pint of icecream, its easy to think of everything we've done as just one big failure because we made one mistake. The next thing, you self sabatage, and then start on the train to lack of motivationville. Keep a running list on the fridge of your accomplishments. I walked for 20 minutes today, I didn't eat that cupcake at lunch even though I really wanted to, I was able to keep up with my kid at the park today, I walked the dog for a full hour which I couldn't do before, I lifted half my body weight on the barbell today...if you start doubting yourself of what all you've done to that point, you can see the long list right there in front of you.

Lack of Motivation When it Comes to Weight Loss and Exercise
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