3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!

Today we live in a violent world. In this day and age people should learn how to defend themselves. A lot of people use peeper spay or tasers now to defend themselves and these are good to use, but you might not have them at all times. This makes knowing how to use your body as a weapon a must.

There are many different styles of martial arts out there, but I will focus on three: Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Tai Chi.

Tae Kwon Do

3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!

Tae Kwon Do literally translated mean "Foot Hand Way" or the "Way of the hand and foot." Tae Kwon Do was founded in the late 50's and early 60's. Tae Kwon Do is made up of almost 70% of kicks and 30% of hand techniques. Since Tae Kwon Do is mainly punches and kicks, there is not much techniques that would be effective for self defense. For example if you threw a punch at someone in self defense, you could hurt yourself more than you hurt your attacker. Even with training for many of years, I still mess up and hit wrong. Most schools do teach some self defense, but Tae Kwon Do it self is not very effective in self defense situations.

Even with the drawbacks in self defense capability, Tae Kwon Do is a very good way to build up muscle and stamina. Like most martial arts, Tae Kwon Do Teaches you discipline.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu originated in Japan as Japanese Jiu Jitsu (Judo). The Gracie family introduced Judo to Brazil. After a while Judo evolved into what we know today as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was designed for small and weak people, so they can defend themselves from bigger and stronger attackers. When you do Jiu Jitsu, you are actually not suppose to use your strength against your attacker. You are suppose to use their weight, strength, and your knowledge of the human body to fend off attackers. For example I am around six feet tall and over 250 pounds and I had a small girl that is less than five feet tall rolling with me and she easily beat me.

Since Jiu Jitsu was made for self defense, it is a amazing style to learn for self defense. Most techniques in Jiu Jitsu are designed for self defense.

Tai Chi

3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!

Tai Chi is normally practiced slow. This make Tai Chi be able to be taught to anyone, at any age. Tai Chi is very useful to calm the body and give a small workout at the same time. Tai Chi may look innocent, but trust me it is far from it.

Tai Chi is designed to use your enemy's strength against them. For example if your attacker throws a punch, you will use the power in the punch and redirect it per se back at your attacker.

Tai Chi strikes are normally targeted at pressure points. This will allow the attack to have a lot bigger effect on the attacker.

3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!

3 Martial Arts for Practical Self Defense: Prepare Yourself!
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