10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: gingersnaps.me

Summer is around the corner and it will be swimsuit season soon. Below is a list of some of the most common excuses people make to avoid working out. Stop making excuses and start working out.

1. "I'm too busy and I don't have any time."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: skinnymom.com

You make time for what's important. So make exercise a priority in your life.

2. "The gym is too expensive."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: sandiegomagazine.com

If you don't want to spend money on a gym membership, there are FREE exercises options: walking, hiking, etc.

3. "I don't know what exercises to do or how to do them."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: parentsociety.com

You can always look up exercises on YouTube, etc.

4. "I am not in shape or flexible enough to do those exercises or work out."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: skinnymom.com

You might feel awkward trying to figure out how to do an exercise, but how are you ever supposed to learn?!

5. "I'm too tired."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: lovethispic.com

Exercise can actually give you that boost of energy you need.

6. "I'm on my period." OR "I'm sick."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: ingenira.hubpages.com

Exercise can actually help your period be more bearable. Working out actually boosts your immune system, lessening your chances of getting sick.

7. "I never see any results."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: cosmopolitan.com

You probably haven't seen results because: you do not exercising regularly, you eat too much junk food which cancels out the calories you just burned, or you are expecting results too soon. If you don’t gain 10 pounds in a week, you can’t expect to lose 10 pounds in a week!

8. "I don't want to work out alone."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: harpersbazaar.com

Find a gym buddy, and you'll be more motivated to show up and get a little competitive.

9. "It's so boring."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: someecards.com

If running is too boring for you, find an activity like hiking, spinning, yoga, swimming, playing sports, etc.

10. "I'm already skinny."

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: fitgirlsdiary.com

Being skinny already doesn't mean you don't have to work out. Working out has other benefits besides losing weight!

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out

Photo Source: someecards.com

Are you guilty of any of the aforementioned excuses? Do you use an excuse that isn't listed?

10 Excuses People Use to Avoid Working Out
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