Motivation to work out? I can't make myself lately.

I know I need to get in at least 30 mins of exercise 4-5 days a week (prefereably 7 but let's be reasonable). I just have a hard time dragging myself to the gym lately. I have to come home and change after work (the lockers are open to anyone now and don't feel comfortable leaving really nice clothes there anymore, much less my purse), just to turn around the direction I came from to go to the gym. This adds an additional 40 mins on top of the workout which means I rarely get home and eat dinner before 8pm. Then if I do any picking up, laundry, errand running, etc I rarely get in bed before midnight only to be up at 5:45am to get ready for work the next day (have an almost hour commute each way). Most of the time I just feel exhausted and it adds to it.
Motivation to work out? I can't make myself lately.
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