Are you able to distinguish people by scent?

Somebody told me that people have individual scents they can pick up on, which I've confirmed among a couple other people, and I'm also told these scents can be pretty intoxicating. I was honestly pretty amazed- I had no idea. Most people have utterly no scent to me. The only thing I've ever smelled on people was perfume, cologne, or that awful BO stench, but I'm apparently partially smell-deaf- some flowers that are supposedly really fragrant have no smell to me either. So, can you tell people apart by scent alone? (no perfume, cologne, or bad BO)
I'm a bloodhound. I can tell anybody apart with my nose.
Most people have scents I can tell apart.
Some people have a smell.
I can tell a couple people I'm close to apart by smell.
People have smells? What? Really?
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Are you able to distinguish people by scent?
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