Guys, do you know good home workouts/routines?

Basically, I subscribed with a trainer and I'm starting in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I will skip the gym (I have no time because of work) and want to work out at home rigorously to prepare for the intensive training.

Do you know any efficient routines for doing at home? And also what kind of diet will be best to put some good weight?

This is how I looked 4 years ago, skinny but completely out of shape:

What I have been doing is basically maintaining. I occasionally go to the gym but prefer to jog or hike on weekends. So now I still look slim but not much different (please mind the flash):

So, any advices so I can begin taking this sh*t a little more seriously. Thanks.
Guys, do you know good home workouts/routines?
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