Has anyone ever had a sprained foot/ankle/anything? Help needed?

So long story short, I was walking and the step I had to take off the pavement had a giant hole in between which I didn't notice and my foot went inside it. I felt a very sharp pain, a muscle pull of some sort, andcontinued walking, but eventually gave up, and went back home. This was around 5 hours ago. I have iced the injury and it's swollen up (from the side) now, and I literally cannot walk on my right foot anymore. I'm hopping on one foot to move even a little, and my foot cannot balance my weight at all. I read some stuff up on the internet and it's gotten me really paranoid, like it takes up to 6 weeks to heal etc, and the issue is that I'm travelling in around 7-8 days, and I have my exams going on currently.
So to all the people who've experienced something like this, how long does it really take to get healed? I usually don't get paranoid but I have way too much coming up.
Has anyone ever had a sprained foot/ankle/anything? Help needed?
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