5 reasons why it's okay to not have a thigh gap (:


5 reasons why it's okay to not have a thigh gap(:

1) It doesn't change your life magically except your jean size... No matter how big your thigh gap is you're still broke and have no man๐Ÿ˜‚

2) Easier to hold things on your lap without them slipping through

3) Larger hips and thighs are seen a healthy when it comes to carrying a child

4) Your ancestors were most likely Mermaids !!๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿฌ

5) A lot of men out there that enjoy thick thighs on a woman...and the ones that don't aren't the one for you

These are kinda silly but I enjoyed it (:

5 reasons why it's okay to not have a thigh gap (:
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