My Take on Death

My Take on Death

Okay, so this isn't going to be one of those, uplifting, "it's okay to be sad about death! It's perfectly natural!" takes. It's not going to be a myTake about how shit death is either.

I'm not about to start moaning or laughing about how my Nan died a few months back. I'm over that now. She doesn't have to put up with our family shit anymore so wherever she is she must be pretty fricken happy.

What this myTake is going to be about, is what I believe happens after your heart stops beating, and your body quits functioning. The moment you succumb to death himself.

My Take on Death

Nobody lives forever. This is a fact we almost all have to come to accept. We might not like it, but it is the truth, and we have to just suck it up.

Nobody knows what happens when you die. This is another fact. Though this one we refuse to accept. As human beings we tend to refuse to believe that there is something we do not know.

Which is the reason so many theories exist.

This is just one of them.

My Take on Death

To start off with, you must know that I believe in souls. I believe that each being in the world has a soul.

When we die, when our heart stops beating and whatever it is that makes us, us disappears, our soul will leave.

When our soul leaves, it will rest in limbo until a vacant life becomes available, where it will enter the new life in it's egg or womb.

There is a set number of souls at any one time. I don't know what that number is, in fact, I doubt anyone ever would even if there was a way to calculate that. But there is only a set amount of souls at one moment in time.

When a child, human or otherwise, is born with a kind of mental condition, this is evidence of either a new soul, or one that has been in limbo for so long that it has lost the ability to fit it's new body effectively.

You might wonder how there could be a new soul if there can only be a set number? Well, souls die too. Eventually. That, or if they hang around in limbo long enough they lose all experiences from past lives. Like how if you don't use algebra for long enough you forget how. It's the same principle.

So, yeah that's my theory. It works on the same sort of scale as reincarnation.

I know that the more likely answer is that there is just nothing, but I like my theory.

That's about all I have to say really.

What're your theories?

My Take on Death
Post Opinion