Why having a rabbit MIGHT not be such a good idea!

For all you people out there who are planning/are getting already a pet rabbit, THINK TWICE! Because I, on the little mammals' behalf, am here to speak! This is why you should know what you're getting into with the rabbits!


Why having a rabbit MIGHT not be such a good idea!

While you might think with a rabbit, that you can simply just dump a bunch of random hay from the pet store into their cage and be done with it! WRONG! You have to buy the right type of hay from the right type of place to give them what they need. And they need a LOT. Also, more than that, multiple vitamins and nutrients to keep their bodies going!

And remember this: rabbits, they might be small, but oh my god do they poop. They WILL need a litter box the size of a cat's litter box, and cleaning twice a week, along with the rest of their cage.


Why having a rabbit MIGHT not be such a good idea!

Rabbits are EXPENSIVE. Where to even begin? How about their cages! Rabbit cages can not be the stereotypical one you think of, the one that is 3 feet long and 1 foot high. No, you need a dog kennel, or a dog pen (one that could keep in a large dog.) These rabbits love to lay stretched around, are bigger than you think, and LOVE to hop. So you'll need to give them extra breathing room. The cage itself is probably gonna cost you about $100. The wood pellets for the litter box are probably gonna cost at least $10 per bag (get new ones every month.) Their food (hay, salads, pellets, oats,) will every month cost about $40-$50 a month. And vet bills, those will probably cost over $100. Do the math.

Dangers To Worry About

Why having a rabbit MIGHT not be such a good idea!

There are PLENTY of things to worry about when it comes to your rabbit friends! First off, let me begin by saying: no, you CANNOT take your rabbit outside. It is a house rabbit– domesticated. It's bigger, easier prey for hawks and foxes and such. If it ran off (trust me, it's faster than you) then there's no chance of it surviving in the wild. Which is why if you buy one, you can't change your mind and let it go like most think. Also, if you let things such as flies and mosquitos in, these can infect your bunnies with deadly diseases that we don't want! Also, if your rabbit chews through an electrical wire in your house, or swallows something too small to digest and chokes on it, it WILL die. If it hops off of something too high, and if it breaks its bone, the injury could be fatal, and then you have no choice. If you don't rush off to the vet right away, it could be too late for your little bun.

These are just a couple of things I wanted people to know before buying a rabbit. For more, google the House Rabbit Society for more information. I would not recommend getting a rabbit unless you want to get real committed.

And rabbits, sure, they're hard to take care of, but they can be rewarding pets, too! They are sympathetic, adorable little animals!

Thanks for reading.

Why having a rabbit MIGHT not be such a good idea!
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