7 Reasons Why I Believe 90s Internet Is Still Superior Than 10s Internet

7 Reasons Why I Believe 90s Internet Is Still Superior Than 10s Internet.

Well...I know most people will disagree, but it's still my opinion and only, so please respect it. Even if I was just a kid when 90s Internet was around, so I wasn't able to use it...seeing screenshots from it I was super impressed and I'm jelaous of people who were lucky enough to experience it.

1) Lack Of Social Media

In my honest opinion I believe Social Media destroyed internet by a huge degree. Now internet is just Social Media. Just e-mails could work fine in order to communicate with people online. So why Social Media are needed anyway? After all they prove to be more bad than good in the long run. Not to mention Social Media have spread their wings outside the internet as well. Even in food packages you will find a "follow/like us on Facebook".

2) No "Share It" Buttons

Well, thanks to Social Media, now we have to see in every site "share it" links. As I said on my 1st part everything revolves around Social Media,especially since the beginning of the last decade. Social Media started to gain more and more power since late 00s or so, and now they are everywhere. In just less than a decade. Only God knows how things are going to be in 10 years from now. Maybe we will literally be forced to use Social Media.

3) Nice simple, basic, yet futuristic (in some kind of way) backgrounds

Got proof for it.

1997-1998 Screenshots from various sites:





And current screenshots from those sites above:





^Very overproduced aren't they? To the point they become tedious. Well it's a matter of taste though,but personally i prefer those "basic" early sites from above. They have a certain "charm" current sites don't.

See a related article by the way:


^Basic...but basic with a charm.

4) Internet wasn't mainstream yet

And this was a good thing. It was a priviledge among some millions around the world like 2 decades ago. In 00s it became mainstream,and now in 10s it's not only mainstream but essential.

And the more people get into something the worse it becomes. See video-games for example.

5) Trolls Were Less

See above why:

Easier Access = More People

More People = Bigger chances to "fish" shitty people among the bunch.

6) Fast Internet Prove To Be More Bad Than Good At The Long Run

What I mean is pretty simple. Sure fast internet is good to get info quicker and all...but on the other hand people have become addicts. It would be more difficult to become an addict if you were waiting for some page to load for a couple of minutes,and have to disconnect in order to use your phone since it would be disabled. It was more an "experience" than a "routine" as it is now.

7) The Whole Experience Sounds Magnificent

See first pic above. I still remember 56k modem sound but I was only just a 9-10 year old kid when I started to use internet, and of course my mom was standing above me everytime I had to use it, so I couldn't enjoy it at its fullest.

Well it was totally different. You had to sit in your computer chair, turn on your computer, connect, listen to this legendary "bzzzzzbzzzt" sound, and then have a smile on your face when you finally got connected. Then explore internet, and access those few available sites.

ALSO, one good thing here is since there were much less internet users by then, frequency of getting answers to your threads/posts (if in case you were member of some then forum) was much lower. Which means you had time to explore internet. Unlike now, when you get a response faster than light, so no time to explore internet as well.

Now it's just a routine as i said above. You can access internet even when you take a dump on your toilet's seat. It's not bad (dumping sessions have become better indeed) but it's not so "special"....you catch my drift don't you?

Hope one day we younger folks will be able to experience 90s internet once again but not from web.archive.org...but if someone made some "cult movement" (how can i put it?), and create some network where we could use old-school computers/modems and stuff like those...create internet sites in 90s style so we could get the full experience somehow...

^I approve my idea, and I'd definetely be a member of this cult movement if it ever existed. :)

7 Reasons Why I Believe 90s Internet Is Still Superior Than 10s Internet
Post Opinion