20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

Hi, this is me, trying hard to brainstorm ideas for my next presentation and because I don't have any inspiration for stories so I got onto Google and well, I found these. Have fun reading em! πŸ˜„

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

Did you know that..

1. According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, any person over the age of 18 should not top their hot dog with ketchup.

2. Dogs can see sadness in humans and often attempt to make their owners happy by initiating cuddling. This is why I love dogs πŸ’™

3. Being able to instantly respond with sarcasm within seconds of a stupid question is a sign of a healthy brain.

4. Only about 3% of all bird species have penises.

5. Pre-crastinators are compelled to check things off their to-do list as soon as possible, whether or not the job is well done.

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

6. One hour of dancing can burn off the calories you consume drinking three glasses of wine. So dance away people πŸ’ƒ

7. The smaller the star, the longer it lives and the dimmer it tends to be. 🌟

8. β€œFacebook Addiction Disorder” is a mental disorder identified by Psychologists.

9. The following can be read forward and backwards : Do geese see God?

10. You cannot snore and dream at the same time.

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

11. The 20th of March is known as Snowman Burning Day! Let's burn snowman people β›„

12. Panphobia is the fear of everything. Which in my opinion, is a pretty unlucky phobia to have. πŸ˜‚

13. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.

14. When watermelons are grilled or baked, they lose their granular texture and can even be used as a meat substitute. Sort of like "watermelon steak". Woohoo this is why I love watermelons! πŸ‰

15. Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder that causes people to freeze up and become mute in certain stressful situations. πŸ™Š

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

16. Your bruise turns colors because your body is breaking down and reabsorbing the hemoglobin that leaked from your broken blood vessels.

17. Bad weather can make us more productive by eliminating the cognitive distractions that result from good weather, research finds.

18. A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate too! πŸ˜‹

19. Over 1000 birds a year die from smashing into windows. πŸšͺ

20. Humans are deuterostomes - meaning that our anus is the first thing to develop in the womb before any other opening. At one point, we were all nothing but an a*hole. 😱

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know

These are all the unimportant yet sort of interesting facts that you will never need to know about. Now let's get on our own way, okays? 😜

20 Things You'll Never Need to Know
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