How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Here are some 7 tips I will give on how to be lazy and no I don't live in my mom's basement I live in my room.

1. Make sure you have parent's who will let you mooch of of them

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Make sure you have parents who spoil you and let you pay for your food and everything else.

2. Live with your parents

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

You don't have to live in your basement to live with your parent's I have my own room and its awesome.

3. Play video games

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Playing video games takes your mind off of other stresses in life, its easy to do, and it has shown that playing video games can help increase certain motor functions in the brain.

4. Watch TV shows, movies, or random videos

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

It's a great source of entertainment from being able to make you laugh to making you think while still being lazy.

5. Create your own youtube channel

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Making a youtube channel is very easy and uploading a video could get you lots of views. Its an easy activity as well as being a great way to socially connect with others, sharing same passions like uploading a tutorial video for a certain video game or make up for instance.

6. Sleeping

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Make sure you get lots of sleep.

7. Don't set any goals for yourself

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips

Make sure you don't think big its okay to have dreams, but its another to actually dream about these goals.

Thank you for reading this my take now go out and become lazy.

How to accomplish being lazy with just seven tips
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