Things I Love In Life

I love so many things in life, from the feel of rain to Ron Swanson. Here's a list of many things in life I love.

Intense emotions.

As @redeyemindtricks has pointed out, intense emotions can make you feel alive. Regardless if they're positive or negative. I honestly hate that feeling where you're not good, not bad etc. These intense emotions give me life.

Smell/feel of rain, especially when fishing.
The color brown.

Things I Love In Life

Eating/food in general.
Different fashions.
Horror movies.

Things I Love In Life

My online friends.
Running outside.
Animals. (I'm a major animal lover)
My high libido. (Goes along with #1)
The human body.
Things I Love In Life

My kinks.
My dark humor.
My child side.
My shitty puns.
My childish jokes.
Stuffed animals.

Things I Love In Life

When people sing to me.
When people write about me/for me.
Being told I made someones day.
Giving advice that helps people.
The sky regardless of time of day.
The moon and stars.

Things I Love In Life

The passion I get when I write.
Giving/receiving hugs.
My siblings.
New shoes/clothing.
Baking for people.

Things I Love In Life

Learning new things.
Holding hands with friends.
Laughing so hard my stomach hurts.
My cousin (even though she's a bitch) @lexythelou22 She's a bitch but she's a major sweetheart on the inside.
Nerdy boys.
Dorky girls.

Things I Love In Life

Slutty girls.
Going to the park.
Playing with children.
Reading about serial killers.
Finding out new/useless facts.
Ron Swanson.

Things I Love In Life

Johnny Depp.
The band, Tool.
The feel of someone brushing/playing with my hair.
Talking about philosophy.
Debating with people.
Taking pictures.
Being in nature.

Things I Love In Life

Climbing trees.
Giving gifts.
Making people smile/laugh.
The 4 elements.

Things I Love In Life

People drawing things for me.
Viewing art.
Going for car rides.
Making new friends.
Finding love in people.
Bringing out the serious sides of people.
Different religions.
Pagans/Wiccans (my religion)

Things I Love In Life

Many more things but this is just a small list. What makes life beautiful to you?

Things I Love In Life
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