4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

1. Abusing Animals

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

It takes a special kind of monster to get their kicks off of hurting pets. When kids do it, its often a sign of a future serial killer for a reason. I've fostered English Springer Spaniels for the New England English Springer Spaniel Rescue and I've seen what happens to these dogs and luckily we always find them a home. I've seen some cases of abuse that are utterly heartbreaking. I remember one time while I don't remember what happened to the dog I remember thinking, If I ever find out who hurt this animal they will regret it, I must have been like fifteen but it made me so fucking angry. Don't hurt your pets on purpose. They are family.

2. Abusing Humans sexually or otherwise.

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

It also takes a special kind of monster to get their kicks from hurting people. These are peoples lives you are fucking with solely for your personal enjoyment, if you put every domestic abuser, every rapist, every child abuser in the same room, locked it, and set it on fire, the world would be a MUCH better place. What makes me even angrier is that most of the time the people being abused are the abusers 'loved ones.' I use quotations because thats not love. That is an act of violence. Its the ultimate act of betrayal.

3. A lack of sympathy for the less fortunate.

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

There is too much poverty in the world. Their are too many people struggling for basic needs. I'm not saying go out and donate all your time and money but you should at least have some goddamn sympathy for your fellow man. It doesn't matter that they are poor. It doesn't matter that they are a different color, it doesn't matter that they are LGBTQA all that matters is that they are a human being. They have dreams, they feel pain, they have a soul all just like you or I and we should definitely feel sympathy for them. I'm not very well off financially and in fact I've had to take a semester of college off for financial reasons but I donate to the local food bank because i can do that to help.

4. Being Willfully ignorant

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person

There are people in this world who are ignorant out of a genuine lack of knowledge and understanding. This is not those people. Those kinds of people I don't have a problem with. Its not their fault. No I'm talking about people who just outright reject science and compassion not because they don't understand but rather they do understand on some level and just disregard it because it doesn't suit their world-view. That is willful ignorance and it is a horrible horrible thing.

4 Things That Will Make Me Lose All Respect for a Person
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