4 Famous Italian Hauntings

4 Famous Italian Hauntings

Italy has seen the rise and fall of one of history's greatest empires. It is the birthplace of the most famous groups of organized crime (which included my ancestors in Sicily). It was the place where the plague first came to Europe through a port in Sicily, which lead to the death of an estimated 30-60% of the European population. It has seen not only plenty of the nearly constant European Continental wars that waged till the early 20th century but it was also the site of heavy fighting in both World Wars, only then to experience the violence and turmoil of the U.S and U.K's paramilitary stay-behind mission Operation Gladio and the subsequent years of lead.

So with all that its not shocking that Italy has its fair share of hauntings.

Poveglia Island

4 Famous Italian Hauntings

Poveglia Island is in the Venetian Lagoon. In the year 1773 two ships harboring people suffering from the plague were confined to the island and three years later the Magistrato alla Sanità (Public Health Office) was given control of the island, and it became a place where people were quarantined if they had an infectious disease. Needless to say a great many of them died.

This stopped in 1805 when Napoleon had the church restored but it was again used as a quarantine in the early 1900s. However, in 1922 they built a mental institute on the island and today the island is one of the most haunted places in the world. The the ghosts of many disease victims and mental patients haunt the island. The bones of many of the dead are still on the island. May these souls someday find peace.


4 Famous Italian Hauntings

This roughly translates to Violin House; it's in Scogna Sottana, a tiny village in the province of La Spezia. This village is so small and out of the way that its actually not on Google Maps. Now after doing the research on the geography and topography in Italy, what I've determined is that this village and house are in the Ligurian Apennines Mountains. Location aside, this house is very haunted.

This house was at one point the residence of a talented young violinist who practiced every day. What happened was that one day the violinist disappeared leaving only his violin case, and no one is sure what happened but everyone who every spends the night there says that in the night they hear a violin being played and someone's terrified screams.

Botanical Garden in Lucca

4 Famous Italian Hauntings

This was owned by a 17th century Noblewoman named Lucida Mansi, who was obsessed with her beauty and having sex. This noblewoman would have sex with one of her lovers but after the deed was done the young men would fall through a trapdoor and into a pit filled with knives, killing them. Its also been said that she sold her soul to the devil in exchange for 30 more years of youth. Now sometimes if you look at your face in the lake late at night you will see the face of Lucida, like she was looking at a mirror. Also, sometimes late at night you might see Lucida Carriage burning while driving under the bridge. It seems like she gave the devil his due.

Castello di Montebello in Torriana

4 Famous Italian Hauntings

In the 14th century there was a girl who had albinism and in those days it was considered a curse sent from Satan himself, and albinos were burned at the stake. The mother tried to cover this up by using herbs to dye her hair. On the summer solstice in 1375, the girl was chasing after a ball that had fallen down the stairs to the basement and disappeared and many suspected that the father killed her. Now her ghost haunts the castle and every year on the solstice people report hearing the cries of a young girl.



4 Famous Italian Hauntings
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