Some of My Thoughts, Post Election 2016

Some of My Thoughts, Post Election 2016

Maybe no one will read this. That's okay. I know social media is SATURATED with angry people shoving their woes or triumphs down the throats of all their friends and you're tired of seeing it. I'm tired of seeing it. Although, I felt like I need a space where I'm not going to be called a racist or bigot or an over-dramatic sympathizer. As I woman who did not vote for Hillary or Trump, I feel like I can see the middle ground in all of this and need to voice what I feel post-election. So, here goes:

1. I am sick of people saying that Trump voters are racists, bigots, xenophobes, homophobes, etc.

Do some of his followers fit into some of these categories? Sure. I'm sure some of Hillary's followers fit into these categories too, but that's not the point. Why do you think the polls got the election wrong? I'm willing to bet it's because a lot of people were scared to say that they were voting for Trump. Why? Because they knew that they would be immediately categorized as all of the above stereotypes if they made their vote known.

Maybe they voted for Trump because they feel like the government is abusing their tax money. Maybe they voted for him because they cared about the future Supreme Court nominee. Maybe they were just poor blue collar workers who thought that a businessman would help improve their economic state. Whatever the reason, they shouldn't be automatically thought of as the scum of the earth.

Some of My Thoughts, Post Election 2016

2. On that same taken, Trump supporters need to stop assuming that the fear that LGBTQ, minorities, and women feel is unfounded.

Things that Trump has said and some of the support that he stirred up certainly portray sentiments that are threatening to these groups. They feel scared and they are completely justified in doing so. Take a moment to place yourself in the shoes of those groups and then think of the animosity that Trump has stirred up (through his campaign) towards these groups. It would make me feel unwanted, uncertain about my future in this country, uncertain about the rights/privileges of the future, etc. Let's all try to understand where we are all coming from.

3. Stop rioting in the streets.

I say "rioting" because that's what I mean. Protesting is fine. Spirited protesting is great and is backed by our Constitution. Looting and burning the buildings of your fellow citizens is not. Have an ounce of class. Rioting only diminishes the value of the point you are trying to bring. Instead, I just start to think that you are horrible citizens for the way you treat your community.

4. The electoral college is here to stay.

I'm sorry that it wasn't reflective of the popular vote this election. Usually the electoral college and the popular vote match up. However, the founders of the Constitution put it into the Constitution for a reason. It allows unique struggles that are correlated with geographical areas to be heard. The struggles in CA, NY, and IL (which are predominated by urban/suburban) areas are not the same as the struggles in WV, AL, and ND.

The president is not just the president of CA (where Hillary won by 2.5 million votes). He/she is the president of all of us. More than that, I can't foresee a situation where the electoral college is overturned. You would need a 2/3 majority in each house of Congress as well as 2/3 of the states to approve amending the Constitution. With the current system allowing small states to have a larger voice, they'll never overturn this phenomenon.

Some of My Thoughts, Post Election 2016

5. Secession is unlikely and is jumping to conclusions.

None of us know what kind of ruler Trump will be. I hope he succeeds. I hope he makes this country better. I think every American should hope that. With that in mind, it seems outrageous to me that people in California are trying to secede from the union. Can we take a chill pill please? If he is really awful in office, then start having that discussion. But my gosh, he hasn't even taken his first day in office.

6. Unity comes from peaceful discussion.

We as citizens need to work on hearing each other and trying to understand different perspectives from our own. Let's start having discussions. Let's not rip each other's throats out. When we talk and listen, we are displaying humanity. That is what is going to get us through this. Unfortunately, I haven't seen much of it yet.



Some of My Thoughts, Post Election 2016
Post Opinion