Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!

Norway rat

These may be considered pests to some, but this one seems pretty friendly! Pet rats originate from this more wild counterpart. Here's a picture of my first rat I ever owned, Tootsie, for comparison.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!
Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!


These things look like they don't have arms in half the pictures I see. They are really cute, though. Just sort of weird. It's like a human mouse.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!

Almost any type of snake

There isn't much of a limit to what type of snakes aren't allowed. All species of pythons and boas are allowed besides those considered "unlawful" or a rare species. My dad's brother owned a garter snake named Jean when he was young.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!


In addition to the many types of lizards allowed as pets, skinks are allowed. These are the fattest lizards I've ever seen!

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!

Emus and ostriches

No permit required to own these big birds! I have a friend who owns an emu. He says emu eggs taste normal, just much larger.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!


An invasive species, it's surprising to see these are legal pets (besides the pink starling). I suppose this is due to the fact that they are from Europe. So apparently they're still not considered a native species. Mynahs are also allowed.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!


Okay, what even are these? I've literally never heard of them until just now. This one seems frickin adorable, though. Hey, they can be kept . . . Guess I'll have to find a paca breeder! Wow, it's cute.

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!

Some honorable mentions include the Southern Flying squirrel, degus, wild mice, toucans, Basilisks, and Koi.

Which pet would you own?

Animals That are Legal to Own in My State!
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