Money Doesn't Grow On Trees! 5 reasons why not everyone can afford expensive things

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees! 5 reasons why not everyone can afford expensive things.<br />

I grew up in the middle of the road income family. We weren't rich or poor, just somewhere in the middle. However last year, we did come pretty close to being poor. So, when the choice came between paying the bills and eating or getting skin care products and my hair colored, obviously paying bills and eating are what mattered. In the last two days I've seen things on here about beauty routines and stuff. Though I have no complaint with what was written. I do feel how it was worded made certain things seem so simple and didn't take into consideration, some important factors. *Note* I know this will seem geared towards women, but this applies to men too. You just have to look at the over all point that I'm trying to make.

1) Expensive products aren't necessarily better, then inexpensive products. It is good for one to take care of themselves, however people think "the more expensive the product, the better the result". That's not always the case and most times, isn't the case. The only thing you're really paying for with certain products is the name, but not a better product.

2) Not everybody wants to live a champange lifestyle, on beer budget. There are people that do like to live over the means of what they can afford. They want all the fancy things, on a tight budget (which is probably how some people get in debt, buying things they really can't afford.) However, there's other people that are frugal and want to live within there budget. Which means, they won't buy things they can't actually afford.

3) Looking pretty, doesn't come cheap. People don't seem to realize that, looking good doesn't come cheap. Even the inexpensive stuff can be pricey. So, people have to realize that just because a woman doesn't partake in a extensive beauty regimen or doesn't go to a specialty store for her products, dosen't mean she doesn't care about her looks or that she'll look crappy becasuse she got her shampoo at Target and not a fancy salon.

4) It's all about priorities and financial responsbilites. If we were all celebrites and made tons of money, we could afford anything we wanted and not have to think about how it would set us back financially. However, we're not celebrites. So, though we all want to look our best and have nice things and go to the best restaurants. We have to budget that into what we can afford and prioritize what's important and what's not. Which means, sometimes having to choose between a what's a necessity and what's not.

5) You're just paying for the name. As I said up top, all you're paying for is the name. Not a better or more quality product. Yes, Sephoria is a nice cosmetic store and what woman wouldn't want to shop there? However, if you can't afford that or aren't into fancy things. You shouldn't have to feel like your Cover Girl makeup from CVS, isn't going to work as good because it came from CVS. That's not true! It's why stores like that exist and cosmetic companies like Cover Girl exist, for people who can't afford the expensive over priced stuff. What you buy at Target, Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, etc etc, (whatever you may buy). Will work just as good (if not better), then the fancy stuff. Trust me, I know from personal experience.

Money Doesn't Grow On Trees! 5 reasons why not everyone can afford expensive things
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