Modern Day High School Through the Eyes of a Senior

Modern Day High School Through the Eyes of a Senior

I know it hasn't been a school day until I have heard the phrase "it looks good on college applications" at least five times.

Teachers constantly tell me that they're preparing me for "real life"—as if the first eighteen are a free trial.

Getting an education turned into a competition I never agreed to enter. My class rank is worth more than I will ever be.

Getting a perfect score on a test used to be exciting. Now, it just feels mandatory.

I used to think in weekdays, but now I think in test dates.

My eyelids seem to be the only things heavier than my backpack, and the bags under my eyes are the only things darker than the marks I make on a Scantron.

High school taught me that nothing matters unless it's typed in Times New Roman 12pt font—double-spaced.

When did a grade point average become more defining than character?

Modern Day High School Through the Eyes of a Senior
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