10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Do it yourself projects are about a lot more than just flower crowns and cute save the date cards. DIY projects are about improving your home and life on a budget. But how do you find DIY bloggers that are actually worth it and KNOW what they're doing? Look no further! Here are 10 DYI blogs that will change will change your life.

1. Carolyn | Homework

10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun
This blog is called Homework and your only assignment is to be inspired. Carolyn's DIY blog includes paper, sewing, gardening, cooking, decorating and more projects. Basically everything you need to survive in the DIY world.

2. Sew Woodsy
10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Sew Woodsy is run by husband and wife Katie & Jon Jasiewicz. You know what they say "A couple that DIY's together stays together." They don't say that? Well, what they should say is that Woodsy is the perfect blog for any couple looking to renovate their home or apartment.

3. East Coast Creative
10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

East Coast Creative is run by best friends - Monica and Jess. Their goal is to come up with ideas that will actually translate into real life, with real people, and not just look pretty for the camera. They have a post dedicated to Fifty Shades inspired rooms (don't worry, there's no red room here). How cool is that?!

4. Simply Designing
10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Ashley is an interior designer turned DIY blogger and the name simple designing couldn’t be more perfect. All her projects are modern (yet easy) and fun. Seriously, painting never looked so fun.

5. Not JUST A Housewife

10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

My favorite thing about this blog is the name. My second favorite thing(s) is all the projects. Making a frame from scratch never looked so easy! If you don't like getting down and dirty this may not be the blog for you.

6. Craft Dictator
10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Craft Dictator is a mom/daughter run DIY blog. Because what's more fun than repurposing a drawer table with your mom? Nothing, the answer is nothing. They do a lot of repurposing and they love to create, craft and cook. Who doesn't?

Man Made DIY10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Arts and craft for men! Guys, you can get in on DIY projects, too! This blog will show how to iron you shirt in 90 seconds and how to make your own (manly) twig pencils all in the same page.

Vintage Revivals10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

Mandi believes that your house should look like no one else's. Her projects help you turn your home into a one of a kind living space. In Mandi's world there's no such thing as a small project. Fearless DIY is right!

9. House of Hepworth
10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

House of Hepworth is a blog about Allison Hepworth's home and family. She blogs about decorating and renovating her house on a DIY budget. Perfect for anyone who wants to decorate his or her house on a budget (so everyone).

Garden Fork TV10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun

This blog is a cool mix of DIY, Cooking, Gardening, Home Improvement, and whatever stuff Eric Rochow thinks might be fun to share with people. Yet another blog perfect for the man in your life.

Don't these blogs make you want to go decorate something?

10 Blogs That Make Do It Yourself Projects Fun
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