Did God create the devil to do his dirty work?

Is Satin there so God doesn't 'get his hands dirty'? God wants hell to exist, he wants the devil to tempt people and lead some astray and he wants them to suffer eternal torture for their weakness. God clearly wants the devil there for his 'plan'. But being omnipotent surely God could administer heaven and hell without need to create Lucifer, so did God create the devil to keep his hands clean? Or perhaps the devil is just another manifestation of God, rather than a trinity he might be four?
All of the above
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+1 y
Should we really hate/despise the devil if he's part of God's plan? Perhaps we should respect the job he's forced to do. God gets to come across as benevolent, while Satin his pawn is tarnished with a bad reputation just for doing what God wants.
+1 y
Should we consider God to be a trinity in four parts... The father, the son, the holy ghost, and lucifer.
Did God create the devil to do his dirty work?
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