Proof that a spiritual person is more social than "a cool person" (seculars and gentiles).


Society believes that you are social when you participate in socially acceptable and highly promoted/recognized activities like, clubbing, drinking alcohol, enjoying the entertainment industry, secular parties and provocative dancing etc. This is considered "normal", and whoever doesn't align with this models is considered socially awkward, antisocial, abnormal etc. Mastering some tricks of small talk and social manipulation, wearing a pretty mask more often than being yourself, usually talking for rather superficial and usually pointless even hurtful things (like judgments and gossiping or talking nonsense). things just to "kill our time" and "sociallize" is considered a virtue and a must have skill. although it contributes in no way in anyone's happiness and well being, rather the opposite.

Proof that a spiritual person is more social than

But the truth is the secular person, is not social in reality. It is too absorbed in its own needs and desires. it is blind to other people's problems and lacks the sensitivity and censors to detect and help heal someone's "wounds". If you tell him/her to go to a hospital to say a few good words to those in pain, or in a clinic for children with cancer and leuchemia, or a mental institute or prison; they will say that "their heart is too sensitive" to witness/experience such a thing, and that it would be too much for them. in fact its because their heart is too small. blinded by its own sinful passions, and becoming hard and cold as time progresses and the person remains in its narcissism, its unable to love its very self, how could it ever love others? cause if you choose to live like that, detached from the source of life and true love, you dont really love yourself. on the contrary, you slowly but steadily work your own damnation. you may think you do love yourself, but the truth is its a twisted, narcissistic love thats not salutant but rather self-destructive and isolating from others. its you against the world.

Proof that a spiritual person is more social than "a cool person" (seculars and gentiles).

The real social person is the spiritual person. Christ's person. This person may alienate some mundane people, but besides those most are able to recognize its virtues and warm heart. He/she is friendly and kind to all, without any ulterior motives. and everyone likes him/her. It is the person that will help his fellow humans in need. a person with a truly sensitive heart that hears the subtle needs of its fellow humans, has always open eyes and ears for those in need, and tries to offer viable and valuable solutions. It's the student that will selflessly help his weaker classmates and private tutor them out of love, to help them understand the things that they can't in school. its the person that will see the other person sad or troubled, and will honestly offer to listen to its problems, will share its suffering and try to put himself in their shoes, and recommend solutions if he can. its the person that doesn't think "its me and the world" but "its me for the world". once you considered the others "others", and not an invalueable part with you of humanity as a whole, you already raised some unbreachable walls between each other, and condemned your own heart. The spiritual person is pleased with others happiness, and has inner joy, meekness and peace, and knows that entertainment=/= happiness. entertainment, alcohol, drugs etc are for those that try to forget and fill the spiritual void in their heart. its just a time killer and a momentary drug that will leave the person dazed and confused. its a little "escape" from the loveless mad prison of a reality it created for itself.

Glory to Christ's name, our God and savior. the prime example of love, self sacrifice, asceticism and martyrdom. there is no more humane and loving act than the life of the Cross.

Proof that a spiritual person is more social than "a cool person" (seculars and gentiles).

and a ps "for very few ears/eyes". the most social people of all, are those that society considers some of the most isolated and antisocial. hermits and monks, that can live alone in deserts, mountains and caves, but pray day and night for the whole world are the ultimate social people. there is no greater form of love and indication of interest for your fellow humans, than a prayer that comes from the depth of the heart of a cleansed holy person. these few people are the ones that keep the world on its feet and foundations. their prayers ascend like incence all the way up to the throne of God, and attract His blessings and mercy all over humanity. i've visited a monk like that 15 years ago and told him something about my sister that was sick and asked him to pray and give me an advise. i saw this man last summer, 15 years later. when he saw me he said hi george, and asked me, how is your sister mary? did she overcome her "x" problem? !!! he remembered everything wih details after 15 years, because he had us in his prayers, and a person like that cannot forget his brothers and sisters cause they live constantly in his heart. i was shocked, all these years he's seen thousands upon thousands of people each with their own story and problem. and he remembered me although he saw me only once. now THIS is the ultimate form of sociality. thats a picture and form of the divine heavenly society that God has prepared and called people to co-create and experience.

Proof that a spiritual person is more social than "a cool person" (seculars and gentiles).
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