
Search Results: broken heart quotes

Is it a broken heart or a bruised ego?

I was in the library today after tutoring one of my students and I came across a book I think entitled A Smart Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations. I think that was it. Any rate, I thumbed through it and got to a section...
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Mending a Broken Heart

I know how it feels.  Getting over your heartbreak is so personal, and not everyone feels exactly the same way when they experience the loss of having someone in their life.  Your mood-swings can go from sadness to anger...

20 Quotes About Getting Over Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings ever... when you're hurt by the one you love, it can feel like you'll never be happy again. But it will all be alright, and it is possible to pick yourself up and move on. Here are...

How my heart got broken

We had been though the teasing, my injuries, and my parents. But we'll get back to that.... Four years ago, I liked this guy who sat across my me in 2 of my classes. After a while of talking to him, I began to like him....

"BREAK UP" Time to Crack up

What should come after love ?(jokes) Of course break up (jokes) Breaking up is never easy... But, sometimes it's really for the best.... So here's some jokes (or funny truths) about break ups... Hope it puts a smile on...

My Top 10 Favorite TV Series and Quotes From Each One

1. The Mentalist The plot The Mentalist follows Patrick Jane, a consultant for the police who aids the California Bureau of Investigation in solving intriguing cases.After a serial killer named Red John murdered Patrick...

Life quotes that I honestly think can help self confidence and help you through the troubles of life <3

First piece of what I consider moving advice is from a singer called: Alessia Cara from the song Scars to your beautiful Now I love this woman's voice but this quote in the song was actually touching <3 Okay I'm...

Girls, what would your perspective be?

Imagine this is you: You break up with your boyfriend of 3 years because of a few external factors (friends interfering, distance in relationship, etc..). Two months after breaking up, you realize that it wasn't the...
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The Truth about heart medication... Our heart.... skips a beat when we see someone amazing.. breaks when someone hurts us and thinks for us sometimes... But it is also what keeps us...

America all endings (Semi satire, inspired by Hearts of Iron the new order)

The new order is an alternate history mod for the video game called Hearts of Iron. It takes place in a post WWII world where the axis powers won WWII. The endings are not cinematic but show a picture with a quote, text...

Why does ex boyfriend still complain about me on his Facebook?

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Does my ex girlfriend miss me?

My ex broke up with me last November. We were together and extremely happy with each other for three year. I had to move for school and Army reasons. She was going to get a job and join me. We tried working things out...
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16 Songs To Help You Deal With Heartbreak

Almost everyone I know has been through heartbreak in some way. Whether it's a significant other, a friend, a sibling or a parent who broke your heart, it's all equally painful and the sense of loss can sometimes be...

Should an 8th grader date a sophomore?

So I've known this guy for 2 almost 3 months now and I've liked him ever since the i don't know the 2nd day but I didn't really know it yet you know? But anyways you the quote, "'you don't know you love someone until you...
So I've known this guy for 2 almost 3 months now and I've liked him ever since the i don't know the 2nd day but I didn't really know it yet you know? But anyways you the quote, "'you Show More
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[PART 1] Why do I still want to talk to him?

I (26f) have a friend (25m) who I met on a Facebook in 2016. We talked a lot and I felt like we were really good friends. He's 3 hours away. We have never seen each other face to face, only talked on discord. When I met...
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Breaking Up: Letting Go & Moving On

So you got dumped and now you are asking questions that only the person that walked out on you can answer. You are determined that you don’t want to feel this way from now on, so you take it upon yourself to do whatever...

Should I let go /move on?

Me and this guy re-connected we have known each other since our freshman year of highschool. We dated three years, broke up, and our lives are very different right now. He has reached out to me the past two times i never...
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How to get your Ex back in less than a month

Before you begin reading this I just want to tell you that all this is based my own personal experience and general knowledge, it really really worked. My crush dumped me badly and I followed these 8 steps. A month later...

Why do most guys hate the "friend zone" so much?

Why do most guys hate the “friend zone” so much? The friend zone means something different to women. It is a good place to be in. Yes, in most cases it does not lead anywhere other than just staying in the friend zone,...
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"Missing" my ex, and hating myself for it...

I'm sure you all have been there. You want to forget the ex, but they somehow still have a hold on you. It's been 4 mths since he broke up with me, 7 wks since the last time we talked. He made it clear there is no chance...
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