Why does ex boyfriend still complain about me on his Facebook?

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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Ok, ex and I broke up over a year ago. He went on a rebound and rubbed it in my face, broke my heart. He also hurt me by saying mean comments on Facebook. When we were together he said he loved my laugh, after, he posted how he wished he could punch me in the throat and get away with it because I laughed to loud and too much, multiple times but the first time was one birthday. That broke me. We'll, I confronted him and he ended up posting off and on angry and mocking movie and music and poem quotes about it and songs to songs/movie/poems about regretting it and hurting me. We'll I ended up telling myself not to wait around and that I deserve better, but I'm gunshy so I went and tried to have fun, get my life back together. I had fun with a cute guy and ex posted the angry then sad then angry again movie/music/poem remarks about it. Well when he went on the rebound he rubbed it in my face and made me cry and broke my heart so why can't I go out and try to have fun and move on? We'll now he is in a relationship and is rubbing it in my face again, even acting like the attentive boyfriend he never ever was with me, doing things that she wants to do and not controlling the relationship and making it all about him. When we were together he never did anything I wanted to do, never wanted to go to see the movies I wanted to see or eat at the restaurants I wanted to, it always had to be about what he wants. He didn't even want to do pics together like most couples, now he is doing it with her and posting it all over his Facebook. It's a slap to the face. But he still posts the off and on hate and regret music/movie/poem quotes about me and I don't get it? If he's so happy why continue saying stuff?
Why does ex boyfriend still complain about me on his Facebook?
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