Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)


It all comes down to the way we think. Much of what we may understand to be true and what is seen as just, is simply a superficial mindset. One of which dictates the very actions we see ourselves into on a daily basis. If, by chance our ego is constantly involved within the idea of being a better person or being the person who is constantly put down by others, it cannot allow ourselves to grow; to do this we must learn the art of detachment.

MIND OVER MATTER(Philosophical In-Depth)

Now detachment is the state that many people find difficult to attain. To put such thing into perspective it is to simply have an alternate ego not based upon emotion but rather that of reason….intuition and logic. You can think of this as the higher form of yourself.

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

Now that you know of this we must now figure out as to how we will get there, and attain this "inner peace”. The first step in this process is arguably the hardest simply because you will realize that emotions, the way you may feel towards something; heavily dictates your actions towards a certain situation or thing. The next time you are going ballistic because you forgot something at home, or stuck in traffic or even simply forgetting where the date goes on a sheet of paper. Simply allow yourself to recognize this behavior and subdue it or bend it to you will.


Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

In our society we are taught that manipulation is a large core of human essence; women I know are far more adept at this than most guys. However manipulation is a frowned upon term, one of which society hates. Controlling ourselves is the one thing we have control over; I do not doubt the whole fact that reigning in emotions is an arduous and difficult process, however not something anyone should be afraid of doing.

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

Since this is completely my view on what has worked and hasn't it may not always be right…especially since you are the person who knows what is best for you.

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)

OG out.

Mind Over Matter (Philosophical In-Depth)
2 Opinion