Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

The term "Racism" has been kicked around a lot these days, which has extended to mean just about anything that supports the preservation of a cultural identity at the exclusion of homogenizing it with another, some cultures more prone to branding than others and anything marked as racist has become synonymous with extreme evil, nazis, KKK, etc, which are totally inaccurate associations by the way at least for the most part.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

Although I'm going to talk mostly about culture, the same applies to all races, creeds and groups out there.

What exactly is Cultural Preservation?

In today's western society what we have deemed racist is really just an extended instinct of self preservation.

I remember this question where this guy asked why we aren't worried about the white race going extinct due to race mixing, this isn't what bothered me though regardless to say he didn't really know what he was talking about in the first place, what did bother me was the fact that many of the people who posted their opinions were actively calling for homogenization and calling him a racist for him trying to preserve his culture. Granted he could have phrased his question in a better non-agressive way but for the most part he wasn't really in the wrong.

Self preservation just doesn't relate to the proper fuctioning of one's body but to society and culture as well, making it only natural for a people to want to maintain their unique cultural identity as an extension of themselves.

We associate our personal individualities with more than just the clothing we wear and the car we drive. Embedded within our individuality is the culture that we were brought up in, the culture that we currently live in and the culture of our ancestors that preceeded us.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

Taking Pride in Our Culture

If a person dares to have pride in their culture and resists the demands of our modern society to coform to the current social norm, they risk becoming a sort of an outcast pariah, at least if they dared to express any view point relating to anti-homogenization for any reason whatsoever.

Society has deemed it wrong for one to want that piece of you that is intervined with the history and traditions of your ancestors, to live on.

In today's western society you will be deemed a "racist" if you wish to see your children carry on in the same cultural vein that you are a part of, and God forbid you desire them to look like you too.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

Culture and Identity

Humanity through out time has formed extensions of itself and the expressions of these extensions is what we call culture; thus the desire to preserve these unique cultures by their adherents is complete natural.

Every race, culture, and people's histories is worthy of preservation. The thing that seperates humans from animals is our diversity and uniqueness among it's different peoples. Every culture is a facet of humanity expressing itself, and any facet destroyed is both a tragedy and an irrecoverable loss that weakens us humans as a species collectively.

The instinct to self-preserve oneself through not only body but the culture in which they reside and are a part of isn't evil or racist, it's natural and in fact gives humanity some of it's greatest strength when solidity is needed. By creating a cultureless people with no identity and history, humanity is easily divided and broken in spirit. Culture invisibly binds a group of people together and allows them to be a part of something greater than themselves.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

Cultural Homogenization

Homogenezation is not a requirement for unity. A set of core principals can easily transcend and bind different cultures while still preserving their true essence. In the theory both The Constitution and the Bill of Rights does this. Both are transcultural and protect cultures by giving individuals Freedom of Expression to maintain those cultures without being hassled provided they don't hassle others either.

In essence wishing to preserve your own culture is 100% natural.

I am not saying that it is wrong to mix cultures provided it is agreed upon by both the representatives.
What is wrong however is being told that it is not okay to desire our individual cultural identities to persist into the future, or the active agenda to push for homogenization among the western cultures and the demonization of natural resistance or calling someone racist for wanting to preserve diversity and protect the wonderful heritages of our ancestors and not being satisfied relegating those heritages into the history books.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

Nature is Diverse

We, humans may have very well started as singular group of homgenized culture. However like all forms of life, humanity has spread out and diversified itself into a variety of different groups, all unique in their own sense and all worthy of preservation.

Imagine if there was only one kind of everything, one kind of car, one type of tree, one type of fish, one type of mammal, one type of grass, etc.

Or we could all go back to being single celled organisms from which all life on earth came from.
Just imagine the type of world it would be if life never diversified itself and always reamained the same, never changing.

The simple truth is Nature itself is diverse. Natures way is too expand, become more complex, more diverse and more unique as life goes on. Offshoots of culture work in the same way, it's like a culture having children; diverse yet having the same origin.

When it comes to preserving floral and faunal diversity; it's completely fine in the eyes of people but when they want to preserve human diversity, they are met with stern glares and thoughts of "he/she must be a racist".

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism

All races, cultures, colors and creeds are precious. Wishing their annihilation though homogenization is akin to wanting all great paintings and great works of art throughout the ages to be dissolved into a pot, obliterating they're unique beauty forever.

Preservation of Culture: Instinct or Racism
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