All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!

Our world today has greater population then it had yesterday, fact we know!! And the face we also know that this rapidly growing human population puts on social expectations on us..... We are made to believe that if you are physically attractive we will be admired and adored...... Putting aside the talents and human capablities in myTake.....lets elaborate on physical attraction and how changing society is proving its unwanted dent on the this.

All ladies are naturally attractive provided they abide by natures requirements !!
We are nature made, we are not synthetic fibres that are made in we will be from very basic be guided by the rules and principles of nature not man. But the increasing human number and its social prerssure is influencing us but only superficially, in this we are made to like and accept things on which our natural soul speaks out "ERROR"!! But to the to continue living {that too is basic human nature see I told you superficial it is} we give back error to this error......cause its challenging your existence which you dont want to lose!! Take an example we are made to like money we know money will give us life and more will give us more life. This is because of social aspects you are being influenced by society even if you know its simply piece of paper and in nature has no value.

Just like this society takes command in your judgment of human attraction. Just because a top media person wants advertise with slim pencil shaped lady does not mean that pencil shape is right for your existence. Just because an amateur dude likes slim women so as to dominate her physically does not mean that slimmer is better.....come on, tell that sick dude to grow strong enough to dominate her in the shape you actually are !!

By now you would have got into the context and know what all am i talking about. Yes changing women perception of beauty cause of society complications and eventually this is showing its effect on todays women!! From highschool {if you have done :P} we are tought thing like this:-

All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!
All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!

Now look at the most basic strucural difference that nature has provided the two with, for male broad shoulders and narrow hips, and for females narrow shoulders and wide hips. This is because women have to give birth and men were to shield and guard the family, so as to maintain the human existence!! We know all this we are made like this and beneath this is actually what guides are attraction process.

You must be aware of the 1.6 physical ratio that guides our perspective, what does it tell the guys who have 1.6 shoulder to hip ratio are most attractive and girls who have 1.6 hip to waist ratio are the most attractive ones. For instance get to the world you are living, in where you occasionally see wide shoulder and narrow hips of men, while you hardly see wide hips and narrow waists at the same time but you genrally see narrow waists and also narrow hips at the same time.........This is what society and advertisment have created!!

All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!
Women from young age by peer groups and media content are made to accept that slimmer girl is an attractive one.Yes this is not to be opposed that slimmer is attractive but not at your age. We are gifted with sense of beauty right from the time we are born know attractive is admired but we are not gifted with sexual attractivness from birth this is what we develop later as we age till we are 20. But the age we develop from cute to sexual attractive is the age of social settle down, we get to know how the society works and what is our position in this society and how to maintain our existence in it.

All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!
At this age to make you space and make your influence in the society, the society make an influence on you. Women think they are not attractive because they are fat and chubby, and they think it's the time to become attractive by myself, so they start eating less they start dieting. They start giving pain to their body to not understanding that this is not their time to scold your body, instead it's the time to nourish and adore your body to give it the all the required vitamins and proteins, to eat well and balanced, to forget about the peer group, and maintain nourishment to your body - and yes it should not be taken as eating whatever you tounge likes, but it should be whatever your body wants!!

If you are maintaining your natural physical needs, then give shit to your peer group, give shit to the society, give shit to that one guy who does not have passion and will to have you and wants you to be more slimmer - tell him to go fuck the skeletal structure in that BioLab instead. Tell all of them that you are abiding by the rules of nature today, so that all the nature made humans are underneath your feet. Later the world would love to be around you because they see the naturally attractive female to which their mind will tell to shift their centre of gravity towards. And the lab made designer guy would be with her skeletal structure........well you can't have everything !! :P :P

All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!

All Ladies Are Naturally Attractive Provided They Abide By Natures Requirements!!
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