"Tolerance" Is Not Always Tolerant

"Tolerance" Is Not Always Tolerant

Before I begin this post, I will say that I am a libertarian. Being a libertarian, I ascribe to the "you do whatever you want" kind of mentality. I support and care very deeply for the LGBTQ community. I generally want people to do whatever they want, as long as they are not harming others in society and are not making me pay for their choices. For example, if you want to go to college, go, but I shouldn't have to pay for you to do that. If you want an abortion, fine, but don't make me or others pay for your prior choices (through my tax dollars).

HOWEVER, I often become very frustrated about how the word "tolerance" is thrown around in this country (United States).

I think that there should be "tolerance". The United States especially was built on a melting pot of individuals from a variety of different cultures coming together to create a unified nation. Today, we are even more diverse culturally and ideologically than we were then. I think this is great. We should be open to other cultures, ideas, religions, etc. and acknowledge our fellow countrymen, even if their backgrounds/ideals are different than ours.

"Tolerance" Is Not Always Tolerant

Unfortunately, tolerance only seems to extend to politically correct and socially acceptable concepts. Contrarily, religion seems to be taking the brunt of the tolerance inconsistency. If people want to marry whoever they want to (which I fully support), then people of all religions should be able to practice their religion how they choose. If they feel like its against their religion to bake a cake for a wedding, then don't force them. It's their loss in business. If a Muslim woman wants to wear a burka, she shouldn't be shamed (another popular word today) for her religious choice. She shouldn't be told that she's being forced to wear her religious garb, and then promptly told to embrace feminism.

Tolerance is about accepting the the variety of differences between us, not just some specially selected, socially praised concepts.

"Tolerance" Is Not Always Tolerant
6 Opinion