7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

A real life horror: The Deep Web.

Considering Halloween is on it's way I decided I would do a MyTake on something I find very creepy and very spOoOoOoOOoOoOky. I know this is usually different from my lighthearted takes...I mean I have done two but still....it's almost Halloween.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

1. Hiring hitmen

I think this is fucking crazy and really scary, the fact that you can kill someone for as low as ten thousand dollars in the US and for as low as twelve thousand dollars in Europe just makes me kind of shiver. There are also different types of hitmen you can hire like: cold-blooded, the type who tortures and the humane. It's pretty scary that these kinds of things exist and it's been said that not many hitmen have been caught and when they do some have went on as long as seven years.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

2. Malware

Malware is VERY easy to catch on the deep web, probably the greatest danger you can face there. One wrong link can download Malware which exposes your passwords, your identity and even your bank info. It can also be used for other criminal and illegal acts. This is the number one reason why people aren't recommended to use the deep web.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

3. How big the deep web is

Have you ever wondered how big the internet is? Well it is estimated that the deep web is 500 times bigger than the surface web and it is estimated that all the content on the deep web is 96% of all content on the internet. This may not be that scary but the fact is that many horrible and brutal sites can be hidden from many people still and the deep web is still one huge mystery.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

4. Silk Road Transactions

The most used transaction site for illegal items like drugs and weapons. The website has been shut down numerous times but comes back with a new name and it keeps gaining sales. This is scary because it shows you how easily it can be to get things in the black market with bitcoin. You can get guns, illegal drugs and even pretzels. You can literally buy anything in the black market you can imagine.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

5. The popularity of cannibalism

You've never wanted to eat someone, right....? I mean I haven't. But what's so fucked up is that cannibalism on the deep web is quite popular. What's so fucked up as well is that people actually share their experiences eating human flesh and some people even volunteer to be eaten. Another strange thing is that people even hook up to eat each other. While this is mostly a fetish thing, it is reported that people even give money to eat another person, usually given to family members.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

6. Mariana's Web

Mariana's Web named after Mariana's Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. It is named after that because it is said to be the deepest part of the deep web. You can get weed and other non morbid things on it but what lies deeper is the HUGE library of disgusting child porn and disgusting gore porn out there.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story

7. Human experimentation

Another super fucked up and creepy thing on the deep web is the acts of human experimentation on orphan'd children and homeless people. The site is claimed to say that not all human's are equal and that is why they experiment on human beings which can be exposing children to radiation to starvation. Truth or not, the descriptions are horribly vivid and it almost seemed like someone with an actual medical degree wrote them.

That is pretty much what I find the most interesting and scary about the deep web but it doesn't even scratch the surface about how much content and information is on the deep web. The deep web is a horrible and usually scary place that most people should not try to delve into.

7 Reasons Why the Deep Web is a Real-Life Horror Story
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