Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You


To give you a present or an opportunity, it seems like it's all the same, but opportunities can get you a lot further than the new i-phone... So think about it before you splurge on unnecessary 'niceties'.

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You

1. An opportunity to meet someone new!

Be it a new potential friend or a romantic relationship...doesn't really matter... As long as you don't feel a powerful need for one or the other. A new friend can open you up to a new kind of a world...and new people - who can potentially be your new romantic attachment. Don't force it. Try to be carefree as much as possible. An easy going start is the best one.

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You
Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You

2. An opportunity to get closer to your family!

Your family should be something you should always be able to rely on. Maybe in the past it hasn't been like that - due to you or someone in your family. They're going to be the ones that always know you the best, love you the most and treasure you forever. Maybe it's time to try to work through some of your issues and have a peaceful Holiday season?

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You

3. A potential business opportunity!

Something happens and suddenly you've got a new job! Wouldn't that be awesome?! Good pay, good work environment, nice coworkers... Stable life. What more could you ask for?

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You

4. Winning the lottery!

Yeah...obviously... Money doesn't bring you everything...but it sure solves a lot of problems. Probably brings some baggage with it too... There's never only good or only bad in any situation.

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You


Whatever gift you may receive, be grateful. And don't forget to recognize the gifts that aren't so materialistically apparent. Sometimes life will surprise you!

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You

Best Presents St. Nicholas Can Bring You
13 Opinion